STEEM WARS: Beware the Drop Bear

in #steemwars7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, TeamAustralia - and those who've stepped up for battle against us. I greatly respect you.. I don't know that you'll win.. but good on you for coming to the party!

It was pointed out to me, after my last post, by the very wise and wonderful @gohba.handcrafts that while warning you of the dangers of our cute and fluffy fauna (a great white can be cute and "fluffy" - it is just a matter of perspective) I neglected to inform you all of our cutest, most awesomest furry weapon.

(Last Post: Come to Australia... where you might accidentally get killed

Personally I think it should be our secret weapon, but we Aussies are nothing if not good sports- so with some reluctance - let me tell you about...


drop bears.jpg

The Drop Bear, Thylarctos plummetus, is a large, arboreal, predatory marsupial related to the Koala. - I told you they were cute and fluffy - who doesn't love a Koala!

They can be found in the densely forested regions of the Great Dividing Range in South-eastern Australia. However there are also some reports of them from South-east South Australia, Mount Lofty Ranges and Kangaroo Island and Tasmania. They like to stick forests and open woodlands and rarely approach roads or human habitat.

drop bear map.jpg

They range in size similar to a large dog or leopard, with coarse orange or grey fur and often have the darker mottled pattern of their Koala relatives. They get very angry when approached!

drop bear 2.jpg

Of most interest - and the reason for their common name is their method of hunting

Drop Bears hunt by ambushing ground dwelling animals from above, waiting up to as much as four hours to make a surprise kill. Once prey is within view, the Drop Bear will drop as much as eight metres to pounce on top of the unsuspecting victim. The initial impact often stuns the prey, allowing it to be bitten on the neck and quickly subdued.

If the prey is small enough Drop Bears will haul it back up the tree to feed without harassment from other predators.

drop bear strikes.jpg

Watch out for drop bears during mating season and pay attention to government warnings.. remember the slogan

Look up and live

drop bear warning.jpg

Tourists (and international invaders) are most at risk from drop bears, as opposed to those born and bred in Australia. Aussie kids are brought up from birth to have a love of Vegemite. And while the rest of the world wonders about our tastebuds.. there is plenty of good reason. The love of Vegemite is a natural adaptation of the Australian human species to protect themselves from drop bear attacks.


So to all the teams coming across the steemit sea to take on TeamAustralia, bring your Vegemite, don't sleep under the trees, don't walk through the bush at night and remember to

Look up and live


Let the battle begin!

If you want to know more about Steem Wars and stay up to date check out @sirknight and the following post

Don't forget to come check out the teamaustralia tag and see what exciting things we are all up to in the land of Oz! It's full of Aussies and Aussie-lovers with great stories from when we are at home or loose in the world!

Thanks to @bearone for creating my beautiful teamaustralia banner which I love sooooo much! Don't forget to check out her posts and show her some love as well.

personalised TA logo white.png

The Australian Museum:
Drop Bear Preservation Society :


Congrats, great reading !

thanks! Glad you enjoyed

@shellyduncan !! We must be soul sisters. I was writing my bit about the drop bears when your notification popped up! :D :D It's taken me this long to get through my back log to come and find this glorious blog (LOVE IT!!) - Look up and Live!! Have just linked it to my post as further evidence to the Drop Bear's cunning.

I think we need these lol

Lol we so do maybe even get the Team Australia logo on the other side ;)

Love it. Gotta watch those drop bears. Sneaky little critters they are!

I know.. and we used to get told as kids they teemed up with Hoop Snakes and together they were unbeatable

Never heard of hoop snakes, you'll have to tell me that one?

Apparently they are our biggest threat behind drop bears. Hoop Snakes are an Australian deadly snake that bite their own tail and roll down hills to sneak up on and kill unsuspecting tourists. Sometimes they'll grab you under a tree so a drop bear can drop on you! They are native to USA, Canada and Australia


Ha ha ha, that's brilliant!

Love it Shelly! 100% upvoted and resteemed! And looking up. SK.

Thanks SK... they come out of nowhere!

Dropbears: Scaring the shit out of tourists for 200 years.

hahahaha and camping girl guides :)

God thats awesome!! You have a way with words that should make tourists think twice about coming to our great lands.

So no job with Dept of Tourism? I did give them the Vegemite tip though if they can't handle vegemite...

We were backpacking with a German once who was thinking about coming over.. he changed his mind after talking to me.. Hubby says I'm a nutter lol! My bestie is a Leeds girl.. I always try to catch spiders to giver her.. She so moved to the wrong country :)

Glad you liked the post :) Thanks for the inspiration yesterday

Just call me Gohba the Muse lol did the hell did I read this??? Drop bears, really?

hahaha and it scares the $#!% out of tourists! You just never know what's real with all the deadlies over here

This is very funny. Well done.

thanks @choogirl love my cute and fluffy drop bears :)

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