
I am glad you liked it, I just threw that together quickly just so I could support the contest. It isn't anything special by any means but I try and participate since I am a member of the group. The Heron photo was the writing prompt, and it could be anything so a quick poem was easier than a full blown story. The flag photo while it doesn't have to do with the poem, it is there to show what state I am from, and it is mine. Any post I do that isn't a daily dose will fly that photo in it.

Good to know! That is a good idea so you can separate the types of posts...nice idea to separate them. I may have to borrow your idea and start doing that...

Normally the flag would show in place of the salt & pepper packets in the thumb nail view but when I was putting that poem post together it just wasn't going to look correct with out the bird being the first thing a person would see.
But I do use separate pictures so my followers will know that if they don't bother to look at the flag posts they won't have missed anything with regard to the Daily Dose. A lot of people tell me that they look for the salt n pepper packets photo in there feed and don't even look at the title.
Feel free to use anything you like that you see of mine in the way of ideas if you think it will help you.

Thanks, @sultnpapper. I just like the idea of having a way to separate my posts out a bit better. Trying to uncomplicate my life...(like that is ever going to happen!)

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