86th Street Subway post 1

in #steemusa6 years ago (edited)

86th Street Subway post 1

Continuing on with my series of colorful art in the subway stations in NYC, this post will take us into the 86th Street Station on the 2nd Ave Q Line

86th Street Subway Chuck Close-2.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F4 1/300 ISO 400
Click here to view larger

This is the Artist Chuck Close’s Self Portrait, now I am not one for doing self portraits but he seems to be happy with doing them as this is one of two self portraits I saw.

THis next one of the child was so colorful and funky cool I thought.

86th Street Subway Chuck Close.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F4 1/30 ISO 500
Click here to view larger

This series in the 86th Street Station is called “Subway Portraits” which I must admit grace me a chuckle when I saw it as I am terrible at coming up with creative titles for photos and its good to know a famous and talented Artist like Chuck also chooses simple descriptive titles

86th Street Subway Chuck Close-4.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F4 1/300 ISO 250
Click here to view larger

These large mosaic portraits are made with glass and ceramic mosaic tiles.
86th Street Subway Chuck Close-5.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F4 1/30 ISO 400
Click here to view larger

Chuck Close’s painting work has been interpreted in these Mosaic portraits.
To give you an idea of the size 9 of the ten mosaics measure close to nine feet tall.

86th Street Subway Chuck Close-6.jpg

Sony A6500 16mm F8 1/30 ISO 640
Click here to view larger

Most of them were vibrant and colorful but this last one that I share in this post was more subdued and mono and I think although I generally love colorful feel this one is my favorite.

Most of these are supposedly of well known people i am not that big at knowing well known people by I do recognize Lou Reed in this one and think Mono works well for him .

Do you recognize anyone of his subjects?

Sorry I have been quiet on here this weekend, had a few things going on and time was limited

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!steemitworldmap 40.777922lat -73.951842 long 86th Street Subway Station NYC d3scr


Great post, love these images, particularly the Lou Reed. Anyone not familiar with Lou Reed's music should totally check out the Velvet Underground, an awesome groundbreaking band that was largely ignored in the sixties but now recognised as the game changers they were.

Here is one my favourites, if you're interested :-)

Thanks for the link hadn’t heard them before but listening now they are so cool

Glad you like them, very New York... lot's of references in the lyrics and stuff!

Indeed will check some of there other songs

These are just mind-blowing. I love the first one the most.

Striking posters. Good post

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The last one is pretty awesome. It's cool how they got those facial details with all the wrinkles and realistic hair. That had to take some time to make.

Thanks for your visit
The work In These is amazing

These are amazing! I agree - even though the colorful ones are gorgeous, I think Lou is my favorite too. Nicely captured, @tattoodjay!

Thanks kindly for your visit and support
I have to admit I didn’t recognize Lou initially my wife’s fr did as soon as she saw the photo

You're very welcome. To be fair, I thought he looked familiar, and when I saw the name, I went, "Oh yeah - that's who it is." Before that, I was thinking it was a highly stylized Al Pacino - LOL!

Last picture looks like Lou Reed.

Yes indeed that’s who it is 👍😎


Great idea for a post. I've been on NYC subways and don't remember seeing anything like this. It was years ago so maybe they came later. Or maybe I walked by and just didn't notice.

Anyway, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your visit and support it is truly appreciated

These ones are new the line only opened there last year


I like your work. We share a similar taste in aesthetics.

BTW, I liked the last one best as well. There's something about black and white (and sepia too) that captures the essence.

I like all of them but my favorite is the second one! Thanks for sharing!

Yes that one is so cool

Wow mate. These are phenomenal.

When I eventually get over to NY, I'll be coming to see these in person. They must be very inspiring to see up close and personal.
It's incredible what somebody can do with a mixture of colors and texture. The baby portrait has to be my favourite. It has the right amount of innocence and vibrance to really catch the eye.

Loved this little look into the eyes of the artist. Thanks for the inspiration.

Thanks for such a cool comment tip!

I love this guys work and that baby one is funky cool

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