Wednesday Walk ---> Brainard Lake, Colorado & The Continental Divide!!

in #steemusa6 years ago (edited)

This week I joined quite a few new groups. For some reason I have a habit of getting to know a lot of people, maybe it's my political science major from college, or maybe it's just my enjoyment of getting to know others. Either way, I find it very helpful for my growth here on Steemit. Finding new projects to support, helping new people on the platform, and staying encouraged through the ups and downs of Steemit.

Health Benefits of Walking

As I found my way to finally join @steemusa, I finally followed one of my favorite Steemians, @Tattoodjay who I've "known" since coming on Steemit. He's encouraged a lot of us from baby planks to who we've become today. For many he gave us our first @tipu and possibly our first @steembasicincome. Wherever I go, I seem to run into Tatt (as I call him), and he is one of the big honchos over there.

Quote by Tatt:

"This was on a recent visit to Walnut beach at sunrise, was quite a beautiful morning, and I got the shot at this angle to capture the beach line, the rock Cairns in the foreground and the rising sun and Charles Island in the background."Photo by @tattoodjay

Well, Tatt created this great Wednesday Walk initiative that just gets people out of their house and to take a photo. Instead of just sitting at home typing on Steemit all day or working from home, this helps to get some activity and an opportunity for us to use our camera. Did I mention Tatt is a photographer? Although, he says he's only an amateur he takes fantastic photos.

Recently, I happened to take a drive then walk around Brainard Lake, Colorado, and of course I had to share it with my Steem Fam.

Summer Map of Brainard Lake

One thing I love most about Colorado is the enchanting feeling I get when I go for a walk. How everything lives naturally in most parts of this state. Throughout my travels experiencing this type of beauty has not happened often and its always a breathtaking experience.

Let me just clarify one thing about Wednesday Walk, Tatt's initiative is to just go out into your backyard or a walk around the block. The walk I took was just something I happened to have done in my spare time.

Photos taken by @eaglespirit

Colorado State parks says the following about this area:

Set in a glacially-carved valley, the Brainard Lake Recreation Area is the most popular destination on the Boulder Ranger District. Expect 1-2 hour traffic delays to enter this area on weekends (there is no bypass route for campers with reservations). This line of vehicles can be up to a mile long at times.

Fortunately, I went during the week so there wasn't too much traffic and I was able to enjoy this walk free of too many people.

As I walked around the bend of the lake. What do I see -- as much as I could anyway since it was getting very windy and a bit chilly -- a great view of the lake and The Continental Divide.




unnamed-7.jpgPhotos taken by @eaglespirit

The wildlife is abundant with plenty of fish, moose, deer, mountain lion and bear. An ecological study has been in process by the United Nations since 1980. I'm not sure how I feel about that one, having the United Nations delving and researching on American soil makes my hair stand on edge, but I'll leave that issue alone for now.

Let us continue on this wonderful walk ...





Photo taken by @eaglespirit

There are four main trails in the area but I chose Mitchell Trail for the smaller lake and view of the continental divide. Also, I love to see the wildflowers during this time of the year.



Photo taken by @eaglespirit

There's even these beautiful little waterfalls everywhere and while sitting in the sun you can just enjoy a quite moment meditating or relaxing.

So, if you are looking to step up your game by not sitting in front of the computer all day (being a non-stop Steemian). Take some time to breathing a little bit of fresh air once in awhile, maybe even lose a few pounds. I highly suggest you take on this Wednesday Walk initiated by @Tattoodjay.

This was a gorgeous walk I took and an initiative I plan on supporting every Wednesday. As always, if you have any comments, I always love reading what you have to say!


Eagle Spirit

ES logo.png


Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a Certified Indian Blood member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Reiki Master-Teacher, Medicine woman in-training, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, and energy work. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday and #FreedomFriday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday to say hello!

See you soon, @eaglespirit


I guess the only question now is: Do they have free wifi?
😑 I will wait. .. ...

Ok seriously though, that does look great, I live in a sort of suburb area so going for a walk is not bad we have grass and kids with grass in their faces... Nope no kids I think they all have computers and need forklifts to get outside. We do have nature, it is always just much better like in yours where you even have the natural sounds, smell and heck even the sun feels better.

When looking at the pics with the forest just across the "pond" a person really just wants to get in there and go wild. :)

@penderis no wifi at all! LOL dead zone
yes just around the block, backyard, etc. is fine!
yeah the kid thing with not going outside is terrible ... i dont get it? as a kid i couldn't get enough of being
outside. yes yes yes sounds, smells, sights. right on.
i know right!?? the area certainly called for that ... had to hold back tho ... hehe

About you making friends easy, I think that is also because you are very active in your comment section, and apreciate your readers and given feedback.
I think that is at least a small part of why it is fun to read your blog, also you are easy to talk to!
You studied political science? I didn't even know something like that excisted, it sounds so usefull since steemit is kinda similair to politics.
people who know how to be liked/loved will have loads of friends and thus profits. (wich is kind of what politics do/know)
Also people who are not that kind but just know what to say and when to say it (like politicians) will have an easier time than the people who are kind and smart but lack social skills.

@flyingdutchman aww you are so sweet and kind, thank you!
i did, i did study PS hehe it wasn't bad mostly social behaviors and it came naturally.
not to be a politician per say but more or less just socializing and getting to know people. i love it!
i totally agree with your assessment. 100! :)

@photocircle and @travelfeed ... will you come? LOL!

Kinda interesting to know what's the UN digging there for? And what's taking them so long in there😕

@immarojas yeah no kidding! apparently the US sold off quite a bit if land to the UN and who the heck knows, and of course it was under certain administrations that did this without bringing this to the general population. i'm sure this will not stand the test of time. gotta get them out.

@eaglespirit aww thank you my canna friends! i'll be growin and sharin soon enough!! gonna make that heavenly CBD that everyone is going to just want! and i wont sell it for $60 a bottle either :)

Given your knowledge and a lovely personality, you should be in ALL the groups :D
Your photos look great and I am glad you had such a nice walk, much love honey 💚

@zen-art you are so kind sweet Petra, thank you so much for your loving support. much love, eagle

What a beautiful are and a great walk in such a cool area I nice mix of rugged and gentle beauty

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!

Also thanks for your kind words about me I am just plain old me an average guy who tries to be active on here 😎

@tattoodjay hey thank you so much, glad you were able to stop by and thank you so much for the Tip! you are so amazing. many people who know you feel the same, its not only me saying this. just so you know. :)

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Beautiful place and it's crazy how simply walking has so many health benefits. We've lost so much of simple ancient wisdom in our modern world haha.

@soundwavesphoton yay! i know right, walking everyday is so good for us. you are right on about that, simple ancient wisdoms, bring it back, bring it back. we should do a song about that. with some awesome words of wisdom and ancient like drum kinda music .. boom

Love the mountains in the background..
The waterfalls..i thought they were streams😂🤣😆

@immarojas thank you so much and it very well could be streams but to me it was gushing like a waterfall ahahahaah :p

I believe yah!😊


@immarojas i just see boxes ... i see box people ahahahaah

Haha they're just emojis

@immarojas yay blank emoji boxessss yayyyy :p

Fantastic photos, lady! I love this photo-journal and your really shine! 💜

@thekittygirl thank you so much my booby kitty girl! :)
you are so sweet and kind, hugs hugs hugs

Oh, I love this post! Your photos are beautiful!

@xcountytravelers aww thank you so much Ren, you are very kind xoxo

That is some seriously beautiful scenery @eaglespirit! Colorado has so many amazing hiking areas.

@makinstuff thank you so much Makin! :) you would love it here i'm sure, mostly everyone does, when you come up it will be a great time.

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