[NON FICTION] Things I would like to see changed ( personal and in this world ) ( Part 1 of 3 )

in #steemtrail6 years ago (edited)

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I really wish I didn't have this in my personal life. It is such a demon that I wish I could get rid of today if I could. It has caused me nothign but pain and agony. I guess it stems from laziness since childhood, maybe even being entitled, who knows. All I know is that I am a master at this horrible things. It has been with me for so many years, and I am sick and tired of it. Well then why not just get rid of it you might ask? Because I procrastinate in getting rid of procrastination! Can you believe it! How messed up is that huh?

I want to be someone who does something when it needs to be done. I want this to change in my life. I want to be proactive, I want to jump at opportunities, not let them slip by like so many have done. I would be so much happier if I only taught myself to be hard working, to do things when they need to be done and not to keep on putting everything off to the last minute. And when that last minute arrives, then I want to wake up and run around like a headless chicken trying to get whatever needs to get done, done. Where if I did it in the first place, I wouldn't be in this mess.

Do you see the ripple effect it causes? How much of an idiot am I to still allow this thing in my life? How much more pain and suffering do I want to endure before I've had enough and say, "It ends here!" It really isn't easy getting rid of this, but it isn't impossible. With discipline and focus I can get rid of this, and finally be free of this demon that has been my "best friend" for decades. I want this changed in my life, and I want it done NOW!

Bad habits that define my character

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Make no mistake, I'm not complaining, well maybe I am a little. I'm just venting about all these things in my life that I want gone. And this is another one. For some reason, like an idiot, I tend to pickup bad habits. You would think someone of my age would know better when they see that something isn't good for them, but not me. Maybe I'm messed up upstairs, maybe I need some massive wakeup call before I learn, but I have bad habits that are affecting my character. I am very much over character, I believe it is extremely important to have a good one.

However, I'm sitting with these bad habits that are defining me as a bad person, to put it bluntly. Maybe even a horrible person at times. Yes, habits can be changed, I know this. However, the bag one's are for the most part the hardest to shake. Why is that? Why is it that the bad one's are the hardest? I think it's because they are so comforting to the flesh. They feel good and are easy to do. Like smoking, or being rude to someone. It's much easier to be rude to someone than it is trying to be gentle and kind I believe.

It takes 21 days to shake a habit or form one, so I'm going to make a list of my bad one's, and knock them down one by one. Obviously I cannot shake them all at once, but what I can do is remove them out of my life one at a time. I'm so tired of seeing myself doing these things, I'm tired of allowing myself to be seen by others like this. I want to learn good habits, and I want to keep them! It'll definitely be a long and difficult journey, but the juice will definitely be worth the squeeze! Guarenteed.

Corruption (in this world)

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Now here is something I am sure many people would like to be seen changed. Except the actual people who are doing the corruption of course. In the government, in supermarkets, pretty much everywhere you find this. Now I know to get rid of this is almost impossible. Yes we can try, but corruption is such a wonderful way to make money or to get what you want, so why would anyone want it to stop? it hurts those honest people so much, but unfortunately the odds are for the most part against them.

Governments, oh my gosh, where do I even begin. Buddy-buddy system, backstabbing, deals being made under the table, the list goes on. Imagine a country, a government, with no corruption. Yes I know you're going to say that only exists in fairytales, but just imagine. Picture for one minute that supermarkets are fair and honest with their prices, not inflating them to make an extra buck. In business deals done daily, imagine everyone being honest and upfront with everything. Zero corruption.

Can you just imagine how awesome that would be. The stock markets, even beauty contests and sports. Imagine all that being held in truth. Corruption is like a cancer and it spreads like wildfire. I believe anyone who has the opportunity to be a part of this will have a hard time refusing, unless you have a strong character and rock solid morals. To those people I take my hat off. The one's who say no to bags and bags of cash to look the other way, or to manipulate something to gain favor. Corruption is a horrible, horrible thing in our world, and I would do pretty much anything to get rid of it once and for all!



Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

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