[NON FICTION] Things I hate / dislike ( Part 3 of 3 )

in #steemtrail6 years ago

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People who don't keep their word

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This is most probably one of the top 3 things I hate or dislike. There is nothing worse than someone who says or promises one thing, and then doesn't follow through or changes their mind at the last minute. Now look, everyone has the right to change their mind, that's not what I am saying. I am saying if you've promised something, and the other person is counting on you delivering, and you don't deliver, then that's a problem for me.

I have come across people in my life whom have promised me the world, and as the fool I am I believed them, and when the time came for them to deliver, I was left out in the dark. Having to answer some very difficult questions. BUT, I have to say, some of that is also my fault for putting all my eggs in one basket. Always have a backup plan. However, in the past I have also been guilty of this, promising one thing and not delivering.

I believe when you can gauge people's character then you can make a reliable assessment as to whether you can trust this person's word or not. I don't get it though, why lie to people? Why put their hopes up and then when the time comes that they need your help, you utter the one word that you most probably believe makes everything right. "Sorry". As if that is going to fix everything.


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Now here is something that really gets my blood pumping. Up to the point that I just laugh because people lie to such an extent that they actually believe themselves. I mean really now, how stupid do you think I am? Many people are very, very good liars. They know the tells, they know how to manipulate the body language as to cover up any signs of dishonesty. You get real sneaky people out there.

I used to be a very good liar back in the day. Sheesh, come to think of it, I was a very bad person. But anyway, I used to lie, a lot! I used to have a backup lie if the primary one didn't sound convincing enough, or if it got questioned. Liars cannot be trusted. I was one. I know. They irritate me so much, because all they're doing is just fooling themselves. They are just tainting their own character to such a degree that no one will ever believe them.

There will come a day when a liar will really be telling the truth, and no one will believe them. They are manipulators, cheats, basically just not good people I believe. Sure we all tell a white lie every now and then, but I am talking about those liars who do it for a living. The people who have forgotten how to be honest. Do they have no shame? How do they sleep at night?

Loud cars

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Ok, let me be clear over here. I love modified cars. The dropped suspension, the beautiful colors, the spoilers and whatnot. I totally am a fan of that. However, what I do not like is when they drive past your house at 3 in the morning with an exhaust that's so loud it sounds like friggen thunder right in your livingroom. That annoys me to such an extent that I actually get angry.

Why does your car have to have that loud noise while driving? You know that misfire that happen sometime... That's even worse. Now I know some people will say, "Naaa man, it's cool". Yea ok, cool. But can't you be cool enough with all your modifications? Why does it have to be so loud? I dunno, maybe I'm old, or maybe I'm just too boring, but seriously, tone it down it a bit?

If you go to a racetrack then awesome, yea, go for it! Make all the noise you want, but in a suburb? At 3 in the morning? That's just being deliberate and selfish. How would you like it while you're sleeping I come around with a tractor and start revving it? or a Boeing 747 jet engine right next to your ear? Yea, let's see how you like that Mr. Fast & Furious!


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