[Fiction] The other you. Part 1

in #steemtrail6 years ago (edited)

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Andrew was since birth a normal boy considering the odd outbursts. He had two sisters and one brother, being the third eldest. His mother was a housewife and his father worked for the railway for many, many years. Growing up Andrew didn't really believe in having many friends. He kept to himself for the most part, always sitting in front of his computer, educating himself with what this machine could offer him.

Andrew never had the luxury of a loving parent teaching him all about life and what life had to offer. What to look out for and how to deal with life's disappointments. So he had to elarn the hard way, and even then he still didn't catch on as quickly as most people would have. But there was a side to Andrew that he knew all along but didn't want to really tell anyone about. A side that only he entertained, and for the most part it was to his advantage.

That side was Zack, the alter ego to Andrew. Or shall we say the "intelligent, reasonable" side to Andrew. Zack was what Andrew wasn't ina sense. Zack was the type that looked at life and found solutions, found practical ways to solve problems, knew that things happen in life and it's not what happens but how you respond to it. You see, Zack was the better side of Andrew. He was the stronger one, the more affirmitive one.

It was a cold winter's night while Andrew was sitting in front of his computer, blogging away on this new platform he heard about, called Steemit. He was never really one for blogging or pouring his feelings out onto the internet, but this community was too enticing to pass up. Blogging away to the quiet hum of his machine Andrew heard a voice say, "Are you happy with your life?".

Looking around thinking someone was behind him all he saw was the time on his bedside clock.


"That is totally normal" Andrew thought, as he turned around to continue his blogging. A few minutes later he heard the same question, this time in a more firm tone.

"Are you happy with your life Andrew?"

"No" he responded, out of pure truth and instinct, only to realise afterwards that he answered a question not knowing who asked it.

"Then why don't you do something about it?" the voice asked.

"I'm not sure how to" replied Andrew, in a worrying yet gentle tone.

"You have the means to change it, yet you settle for this life" the voice replied.

Knowing that he might be going crazy Andrew got up and walked to the bathroom. Splashing water onto his face he stood upright and stared into the mirror, seeing his own reflection he has only come to know all too well.

"Am I going crazy?" he asked himself, already knowing the answer.

"I'm sure I heard the voice. It was as clear as day" he told himself.

Drying his face he walked back to his computer and lit a cigarette.

"Maybe I've been awake for too long. Perhaps after the cigarette I'll feel better" he thought.

Puffing away he opened his browser and surfed the internet about various topics like "How to be a better person in 10 days" to "How to hack Microsoft".

He loved just aimlessly surfing the internet at times, soaking up any knowledge or reading any article he could find.

Then it happened again...

"Andrew, why don't you do something about your life?"

"Stop it! Whoever you are just stop it!" he yelled.

This is where Zack stepped in.

"Andrew, why are you getting so mad? You know you're not happy with your life. So why don't you do something about it?" asked Zack

"Because I'm not sure where to start" replied Andrew

"Yes you do, you're just scared of taking that first step" replied Zack

"I'm not sure I can do this on my own" replied Andrew, in a tone that depicted fear

"Yes you can. I am here with you. You're not alone" replied Zack, almost in a loving father tone.

Knowing that Zack was right, Andrew took his last puff from the cigarette and stood up, heading towards the kitchen to make coffee. He knew he wasn't happy with his life, and he knew something had to be done for it to change, but he was afraid. He was afraid of taking that first step, that first step towards the unknown.

After making the coffee he headed back into his room, the time now "2:12am".

What he saw on his computer screen upon returning was something that he didn't imagine in a thousand years. Sitting down and leaning forward he read the words out loud.

It read.....

To be continued


@wordsthatflow, welcome and congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.05 vote! If you would be so kind to give me a follow in return, that would be most kind of you!!

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