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RE: Coffee and Philosophy: Frequency
Plausible! Hell yeah, and then some. I want to type out a huge reply here, or just copy and paste all my other responses here like a small guide book, but I'll just make it quick and dirty instead.
When we see the world as numbers/colors/symbols we KNOW. Upon diving deep into the frequency range and surfacing with some new knowledge nuggets, we expand the range and open ourselves to more than we could've imagined. Open our thoughts and open reality. Mold that motherf*cker however you want it. Nothing is stopping you, NOTHING!.
Kind of like the ability to go from being a person that assumes everything into a person that doesn't even have to think about anything. I choose to because I am called to write and express myself, but I don't have to or need to. I want to share everything about the experience and leave it as a blueprint for the ones that need it. Everything has a purpose and we don't need a reason or justification to help anyone. We don't need anything in return. We just know.
Yes, kind of like that :)