Coffee and Philosophy: Gratitude

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I notice people doing gratefulness exercises on steemit and I try to keep myself in a state of gratitude at all times, but sometimes it can be difficult. I was reflecting today on why I feel it's so important to be grateful for everything we experience and go through, even the bad things that feel like they are going to break us. In my mind, it feels like being grateful is just a way to be respectful of all of the ways the universe helps us grow and rewards us for our efforts. Don't get me wrong, sometimes those growth opportunities feel like getting punched in the solar-plexus repeatedly, but there is always something to learn even in the hardest struggles we encounter. Personally I'm grateful for many things everyday and I'm doing my best to be grateful for everything and become more humble, maybe we are all just striving for that perfect life of gratitude. Namaste.


Great post. For me, most of the time it is only in hindsight that I can be grateful for those dark times in my life. In the moment those times hurt, but once getting through them and as time passes I can see how I learned and grew from having to deal with rotten experiences.

We all process things differently and grow at our own pace. I wouldn't stress it, time is relative. :)

Good advice!

Loving the positive vibes! Do you read any stoic philosophy?

Honestly, I just started meditating and channeling and forming my thoughts and I put them out here. I haven't really studied philosophy much. Are you referring to Zeno?

Yeah and Seneca, but stoicism (in a very general nutshell) basically is about not letting fear/pleasure/desire control your actions. I don't understand a lot of it on a technical or very deep basis but I try to keep in mind that possessions and wealth and money, trials and fear they're all temporary and you shouldn't let them control how you act or interact with the world around you.

Hmmm, maybe I am just a reincarnated stoic philosopher and needed you to remind me. :)

Haha That must be it!

Humble and gracious, the perfect one two punch.

Efforts for days, manifestation through the haze.

Great post I think your right its better to be more humble.

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