Coffee and Philosophy: Forgiveness

Today's mug is brought to us by this apologetic coffee mug.

I was thinking about the concept of forgiveness and how it feels like something we do for ourselves today. I used to think forgiveness was something we did for other people, but how often when we finally forgive someone do we realize that the problem wasn't with them, but was actually with our limited perception of the situation? Obviously things get complicated and sometimes it unclear why we are even apologizing, but the fact remains that anyone with a conscience will feel guilty at some point in their life. If forgiveness is something we do for ourselves, then is it inherently selfish to tell someone we forgive them? To forgive someone is essentially implying that someone has wronged us, and it's one of the reasons why I started looking within for forgiveness instead of trying to find faults in others. It's just another one of those paradox that run through my mind. What are your thoughts? Namaste.


Well said. To say 'Sorry' is easily said, to mean what you said 'Sorry for' is difficult to digest.

Very true and one of the hardest lessons to learn. I don't apologize often, but when I do it's sincere (even if I don't know what exactly it is that I'm apologizing for at the time.)

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."- Mark Twian. Yes, we must forgive those who have hurt or wronged us for our ownselves. It's toxic to carry around the emotions of resentment, anger, etc... However, that does not mean we necessarily have to tell them in person. It all depends on the situation. We can love from afar, as there is no need to be around people who have hurt us if we don't want to. Also, forgiveness of self is huge. We've all done things we regret. We must forgive ourselves before we can truly forgive another. This is a topic I have immersed myself in because I watched my mother die of lung cancer which is, first and foremost, a disease of emotional hurt. She never could truly forgive those who hurt her. From that experience, I learned I needed to work on, I did. It's an ongoing thing for me. Thank you for your post! It's an important topic.

The world is what we see and what we are, forgiving someone or ourselves is acknowledging that we are not always right and we see our faults in them in as much as we don't always see the faults in ourselves.

we see our faults in them in as much as we don't always see the faults in ourselves

The mirror that I'm always going on about :P

Yep, exactly! mirror|rorrim

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