Coffee and Philosophy: Control

Today's mug is brought to us by the illusion of control.

The concept of control is interesting and the source of many issues in the world. The ego pushes humanity to understand and quantify and apply logic and reason to everything. The problem is that some things do not fall within these metrics and even if they do, we ultimately can never control them entirely. There are always more variables and greater complexities to our reality and the illusion of control is actually kind of ironic. We can measure things like distance and mass and develop expectations and assumptions about the natural order of things, but we really don't control anything other than our own minds and self awareness. If we embrace change and flow in an accepting state there is much less resistance between the self and reality. On the other hand we can try to force reality to be what we want it to be and that in itself can be proven time and time again to be beyond our comprehension. We can build the most complex and marvelous fabrications our minds can imagine, but we can't stop someone else or an act of nature from destroying it or changing it. In the end what do we really control other than our acceptance of reality and our own ability to embrace it and adapt to it and be one with it? Namaste.


Even we have knowledge of everything in this world. We cannot control power of everything. But God have the power to control it.

Yes this is true!

I have noticed that I really try and control the outcome of things to an unrealistic degree. This caused me to be excessively risk averse and has led me to not live life to the fullest. I think it also created a lot of anxiety and stress in my life. I am slowly starting to come out of this tendency but I have stagnated a bit.

It is funny that sometimes, happiness can be about living by your values and being okay with anything that happens after that.

@philosophy-trail great article! Universal laws will always be more powerfull than human matter our development level! I really like your stuff! Upvoted and followed! :)

Relinquishing our idea of 'control' over our lives and the lives around us can save us from a lot of inner turmoil and struggle!

control - choice - free will... you cannot really freely give away your free will and jump from a human (ego) point of view to a godly one (oneness). i think control is a very good tool to realize the absurdity of it.

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