[LIFE VIEW] Living as a minimalist

in #steemtrail6 years ago (edited)

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For quite a while now I have been living like this. It's actually not as bad as people would think it is. It does take some getting used to, and it does humble you.

Now I understand we are human and being human we tend to like flashy cars or expensive apartments. Look, there's nothing wrong with those things. Actually, it's good to own things like that, as long as they don't own you. The minute when you cannot part with whatever you own in this life, that is when you have a problem. Why do I say so? Because if you ever had to lose those things, you'll feel empty.

Because those material possessions made you happy, and that isn't how it should be. By living like a minimalist, that changes everything. I'm happy to have just what I need. Food, roof over my head, place to sleep. Give me that and I'm happy. I'm not concerned with driving expensive cars, because I know myself. Those things will own me in due time, and I don't want that.

I do not want to be part of the world and it's earthly things. I don't even play the lottery to be honest. That's just me, I cannot handle wealth. LOL, that is a weird statement, but it's true. If I had wealth I would change into a person who would put their joy in that. I do not want to live a life like that, even if I had everything. By getting by with just what I need, it keeps me humble. I would rather be humble than arrogant.

Sure it's nice to have a flashy car, but naaaa, I'm happy with a standard car to get around with. Living off the bare essentials also teaches you to appreciate things in life more. You value things more. So if you do by any chance happen to come into some money or whatever, then you appreciate it and put it to good use. This is just my opinion.


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