Learning from your mistakes.

in #steemtrail6 years ago

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I'm not a fan of facing consequences. I wish I was, but I'm not. And to be honest, it sucks. A man of my age should've learned by now that everything in life has consequences. You always have a choice, but you don't get to choose the consequences of those choices. And the only way you learn to make wise choices is to fail with poor one's and learn from them.

We all go through life facing different trials and tribulations, but what many fail to realise is that these trials mould our character. If you make a bad decision and you choose to do everything in your power to not face the consequences, then you will never learn the lesson. That in turn will make you the type of person that cannot take responsibility, and that, in turn, will make you a very unpleasant person in general I believe.

I am currently experiencing certain times in my life where I make bad decisions, knowing they're bad, but I make them anyway. How foolish! And then when the consequences manifest, I want to complain and hide in a corner because I don't like the consequences from my actions. That, to me, is completely stupid, even if I do it myself.

Now how do I rectify this character flaw? It's horrible and I want to be rid of it! Well, for starters, in my opinion, is make better choices. We are all given a brain and a mind to think for ourselves. If you see a certain decision is going to end bad, then erm, don't choose that decision! Yea, I know, it's easily said than done, and I still do it to this day. But ok, what's done is done. Know that the decision you made was the wrong one, and face the consequences.

That actually sounds so harsh. Face the consequences!. But that's life I'm afraid, and no one I believe is exempt from it, including me. I wonder where this character flaw comes from. I think it stems from childhood to be honest. Something must've happened or something must've not happened for this character flaw to be within me. Could it maybe be blamed on poor parenting? Mmm, I wonder.

But no matter where it originated from, or whose fault it is, the fact of the matter is that it is here, and it must be dealt with. The flaw I mean. So from now on I'm going to try my best to make wise choices. To think about my decision before making it, and to weigh the pro's and con's. Yes, I know it's common sense and most people have learned this lesson early in their adulthood, but I haven't, and I need to start right now!

What are your thoughts? Any advice that you readers can give me? Let me know in the comments section.

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