Anything and everything related to life. Join me !

in #steemtrail6 years ago

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Greetings and welcome to the start of something that will benefit everyone reading and participating in this blog I believe. The aim of this account is to blog about life, the drama life brings, questions that need answering or advise needed. I don't want people to just read this blog, I would like for the readers to interact and provide me with some insight or provide others reading with the same knowledge.

This account could also turn into a daily diary of sorts, but that is merely an option at this time.

So let's get started shall we. Here's one thing that has been bothering me for so long...

How do you treat people when they do not greet you.

I honestly don't know how to deal with this issue. I totally understand people have bad days so if they don't greet you don't take it too personally. But what about the people you see on a regular basis that don't greet? What about them? I have a few of these people in my life and every single time I greet them, why? Because that's how I was raised and there's this thing called manners.

So tell me, how much must you dislike me to NOT greet me every single time I greet you? Is it that hard to just say, "Hello"? Would it kill you to greet me back? Honestly, I find it so disrespectful it's ridiculous. But then we have to look at it from the other person's side. Maybe I did something that annoyed you or made you mad and you haven't forgiven me yet. Maybe I just annoy you in general.

But whatever the reason is, for me, personally, I believe greeting someone is just showing common decency. Just being polite to your fellow man. You can still dislike me or even hate me, but at least greet when someone greets you. Are we back in high school where we don't greet each other? Seriously.

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I would really love some input regarding this topic. As for me, whether you greet me or not, I'll greet you, regardless. That is how I was raised and that's not going to change. It doesn't mean however that I don't get upset when someone doesn't greet me after the upteenth time, but as I said before, maybe you are just having a bad day. That is totally understandable.

I know that something like this shouldn't really bother me. Cliché's like, "Just rise above it" and "Show them you're better" come to mind, but I'm human. I have emotions, I have feelings, just like most people, and sorry to say but this does get to me, to an extent. What I always tell myself is that I greeted and that's all I can do pretty much, besides approaching the person and asking, "Hey, why aren't you greeting me?".

Now that can maybe resolve the issue, but do I want to ask every single person why they didn't greet me? No, I don't. So I'll continue to greet, regardless if you annoy me, ignore me, or even bad mouth me to other people. I will continue to greet. Oh and that also goes for saying goodbye. I will continue to say both everytime I see you. You want to know why? Because that's just common decency.

I honestly don't want to go through life being a jerk to other people. And if that makes me a whimp or a "softy", then so be it.


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