No Causes And No Effects

in #steemstem6 years ago

Science, in its quest to shed light on the true nature of reality, has for hundreds of years held the belief that the law of causality lay at the foundation of all there is.

Eternity - Image by QAuZ - source: Deviantart

And this should not surprise anyone; everything that happens has a cause. And causes precede effects in time; first I push you, then you fall in the water. This everyday experience we have with causes and effects has ingrained in us a deep belief that everything in life and the universe obeys the fundamental law that nothing happens without a cause. If you want to move something, you have to make it move; you kick a ball to make a goal.

Here on earth, where there's friction, the ball will stop moving eventually, score or not. In friction-less space however, the ball would just keep moving and wouldn't slow down. If something has no end, does it need to have a beginning still? Doesn't the law of conservation of momentum make it possible to believe that stuff just moves in the universe? That a state of movement is the natural state? That stuff simply moves until something causes it to stop?

In this friction-less world we could predict with great certainty and precision the location, speed and direction using Newtons laws. The equations used to do these predictions work in both ways, from the current location, speed and direction you can also calculate where everything was in the past. It's what the whole Big Bang Theory is based on: we observe that the universe is expanding with everything moving ever further away from everything else, and can therefore reason that in the past everything must have been awfully close to each other up until the point that everything's contained in an infinitely small region of... well maybe not space but nothing? We can even calculate how long it's been since then, approximately 13.8 billion years, but at that point knowledge stops.

Best-Ever Snapshot of a Black Hole's Jets - source: Wikimedia Commons

This is the world ruled by cause and effect: it's what we all know and feel comfortable with. But... Imagine a super intelligence, a supercomputer that knows the current position, speed and direction of every particle in the universe, that super-intelligence would know everything about everything both in the past, present and future. This super-intelligence would see a four-dimensional space-time universe in which past, presence and future are not linked by causes and effects, but by certain patterns called the laws of Newton.

Just like numbers, on a line of integers the 1 follows after 0 which follows after -1, we don't say that -1 causes 0 which causes 1. They just form a pattern in which one happens after the other and we know the entire pattern given a starting-point and some rule to reach the next element in the pattern. This is a fundamentally different way to look at the world and one that's counter-intuitive for most of us. But it is the world of quantum field theory. And this is where things get even weirder...

Quantum field theory (QFT) is the most fundamental physics theory we have and is accepted among most particle physicists and cosmologists, and it says that the reality that's out there is completely different than what we are able to observe:

QFT treats particles as excited states of an underlying field, so these are called field quanta. In quantum field theory, quantum mechanical interactions among particles are described by interaction terms among the corresponding underlying quantum fields.

source: Wikimedia Commons

Simply speaking this means that for every fundamental particle there is in the universe a field; there's an electron-field, a photon-field, a neutron-field and so on. And what we observe is just these fields in so called excited states. There's also one somewhat special field: the Higgs field. The Higgs field provides mass to all other particles by interacting with their respective fields and not interacting with particles that don't have mass.

In the equations of these quantum fields there's no notion of causes or effects. Time is present in the equations but it has no particular direction and space is not present in the equations, which would make space an emergent property of the more fundamental elements. However counter-intuitive this all might seem, Quantum mechanics is the most successful theory we have in terms of making predictions (I mean, the Higgs Bozon was predicted long before it was shown to exist, as were many other elemental particles) and making ultra precise calculations in the "real world".

A lot of this is based on the work of Sean Carroll. For those of you for who are interested to hear a lot more about QFT and its implications for our understanding of reality I'll link his Google Talk called "The Big Picture":

Sean Carroll: "The Big Picture" | Talks at Google

Okay, I'll leave it here and hope I haven't caused you a headache ;-) I'll be back here tomorrow, as I am now and as I was yesterday; following this pattern it's evident that you'll be back here with me, dear reader, and I'm grateful for that. Until then, keep the momentum and keep steeming!

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Nice read @zyx066

In friction-less space however, the ball would just keep moving and wouldn't slow down.

There's something I must object to. There is no friction in space (at least in most parts, within gas and dust clouds it looks different), but there are the gravitational forces of stars, planets, galaxies, etc.. Masses can be deflected, accelerated and braked by gravity. So gravity in space should be something similar to what friction is on earth. Even if the strength of the force is not the same, it can have the same effects.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Thanks for responding @astrophoto.kevin, I appreciate that very much :-)

And yes, you're right that space isn't totally devoid of friction and the friction between surfaces stays the same in space also. I cheated for simplicity's sake ;-) Even in "empty" space the vacuum isn't perfect, so even when the ball travels freely, the occasional collision with atoms will cause an exchange of momentum between the ball and the atoms, and if I remember correctly our international space station orbiting earth has to periodically fire it's engine for that reason.

But that doesn't change the story in any significant way: where kinetic energy is lost, some other type of energy is gained (like heat), keeping intact the law of conservation of energy and keeping intact our imaginary supercomputers ability to know every event in four-dimensional space.

You're not wrong: I cheated to not further complicate a principle that's hard enough by itself to wrap my mind around :-)

Thank you very much for your detailed answer @zyx066

That shouldn't be any criticism, I just wanted to say that :-)
You're right, the space station slows down due to this and the attraction of the Earth so that it has to ignite its propulsion every now and then to maintain its speed and due to this its orbit.

You see that just right. Energy cannot be lost. It can only be changed or transmitted.

I wouldn't say right now that you cheated. That would be much too hard. Rather concealed, but in the sense of simplicity. :-)

In any case: Keep up your work! :-)

Loving your articles, interesting stuff, see you tomorrow :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much for this encouraging response @bubke! :-) See you later ;-)

You Covered wider subject in just one article, Well done

I'm so glad you liked it @meaamir, and thanks for responding so kindly :-) Hope to see you back again!

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