Math equation that will make you fell in love with Mathematics

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Math is very beautiful and there many people doesn't love math . They hate to calculate and also they hate figure very much . But, nevermind all of the us have our interest . You may choose something like History, Biology or Language and you may try to be a chef, this subject will not ask you to calculate anything . But today I'm not talking about that , I am talking about 5 math equation will make you love math and change your perceptional in this subject .

What is it ?

Euler's Identity

This equation also known as Euler's Identity ,this one is the most beautiful math equation from others. Why this equation is the most beautiful ? Yes it's beautiful because it is not only a math equation but it is Haiku of mathematics . "i" is the imaginary units, this Imaginary,i will help us to solve problem when the real number couldn't find -ve things on root .Euler's constant "e" will be mathematics number if Pi is the keycode for space . When e^x is e^x 2.71828 is a perfect point .Many things that "e" can calculate such probability theory , compound interest and also in the calculus calculus,

2D picture only have horizontal and vertical ,menawhile the complex plane have it realistic and also we feel it tangible to touch . Complex number and real number have different things between them , real number is just a line ,antique counting slide rule, while complex is pure intellect .e^ix draws a circle around the zero point on this complex plane.


Tupper Self-Refferential Formula

This equation is called "Tupper Self Refferential Formula" , its is mathematical inequality . X and Y will satisfy the inequality you will get black , and it's doesn't white . It's mathematical formula or an equivalent for social media like Facebook . This formula is one of bitmap decoding function .as plain text,1/2 < floor(mod(floor(y/17)2^(-17floor(x)-mod(floor(y), 17)),2)) .Where ⌊ ⌋ denotes the floor function, and mod is the modulo operation.
Let k equal the following 543-digit integer:

960 939 379 918 958 884 971 672 962 127 852 754 715 004 339 660 129 306 651 505 519 271 702 802 395 266 424 689 642 842 174 350 718 121 267 153 782 770 623 355 993 237 280 874 144 307 891 325 963 941 337 723 487 857 735 749 823 926 629 715 517 173 716 995 165 232 890 538 221 612 403 238 855 866 184 013 235 585 136 048 828 693 337 902 491 454 229 288 667 081 096 184 496 091 705 183 454 067 827 731 551 705 405 381 627 380 967 602 565 625 016 981 482 083 418 783 163 849 115 590 225 610 003 652 351 370 343 874 461 848 378 737 238 198 224 849 863 465 033 159 410 054 974 700 593 138 339 226 497 249 461 751 545 728 366 702 369 745 461 014 655 997 933 798 537 483 143 786 841 806 593 422 227 898 388 722 980 000 748 404 719

Infinite Pi

What is Pi actually,is the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference. What interesting is , Pi is not a number ,but it's startup of spacetime.Trancsenden nombor is a space of figure signature , the scientist think Pi is like an automatic car .

It is ideal for computer, it converged exponently and was very useful . Here is some interesting note: at the time there was no such thing as a computers. Srinivasa Ramanujan had pre-empted processors by a decades. In 1985 his formula was used in the world to record calculation of pi to 17 million digits, and a slight variant modified by David and Gregory Chudnovsky now holds the title at 10 trillion. We are not saying he is a robot, but if a perfect calculating machine ever goes missing in a time travel experiment we already know where it ended up.

Dividing Zero

If you divide something by zero it will be gives you undefined, infinity, or who cares, depending on whether you're talking to a mathematician, physicist, or engineer. You can tell a lot about how disconnected someone is from reality by how they contemplate infinity.

At its most basic, division means, "How many times can you take this out of that?" For example, you can take a human head from the members of One Direction five times before you get blessed silence. On the one hand you can take nothing out of something an infinite number of times, but on the other, no, you can't, because that would take forever. It's a mathematical problem so hard it once crippled a U.S. Navy cruiser. The USS Yorktown's experimental military computer control system tried it and was crippled by a buffer overrun. Making this the first ship to overflow without any water. On the upside, it's way easier than asking a computer to define love or telling it that truth is a lie, or asking if those are both the same question.

The solution is as brilliant as it sounds stupid. You deal with the impossible by sneaking up on it. It's nice to know calculus solves problems the same way SEAL teams do it: sneakily and permanently.

You will never get there if you take X geos to zero ,but you get as close as you need . Then the "limit" as you tend toward zero -- but never actually reach it -- gives you the answer. As X gets small, sin X is approximately equal to X, so you're always dividing something by itself and getting one. Then, with a particularly cunning flourish, you end up dividing nothingness by itself and becoming one. Which I think means mathematics is the king of zen.

These limits as you hit zero, which is a much less depressing sentence in mathematics, are essential for the calculus. And calculus is essential for all things. If math is the programming language of reality, calculus is the graphics processor working out things like the explosions, lasers, and gravity, all the cool special effects. Or as we call them in physics as an effects.

Pick Any Digit Of Pi

If you want the the 10-trillion-and-33rd digit of pi? There is no problem. There's a fundamental constant of reality and now, without any input apart from being in the same reality, this equation can read out any part of it.

The process of using the formula sounds like someone found a glitch in god's computer. If you want the Nth term, you split the infinite sum at the Nth term, and a bit of modulo math skims out the required digit in hexadecimal. In Reality, mathematics, and the design of 8-bit computers lining up to accidentally output one of the universe's of BIOS settings.

Mathematics Make Your Life Perfect

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thanks for sharing this..

You're welcome :)

upvoted :)


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