Testing HTML Editor

in #steemstem6 years ago


normal text, automatically

With extra space 

still works fine

Bold Heading

No damage

Italic, Under, Changed my mind

not automatic !!!

Need to switch to normal and to suppress S

Remove font Style works


Ok, let's write somechemistry switch off down up

Not automatic, Eraser is fixing the problem


Font_SSize nice, nice


Colors, separate words  not accepting the first word

again it looks good now

What was the problem, maybe, Hm, this was accepted

Colors, separate problem, again

TheFirst - yes, for some reason, it's not accepting to add some colour to the first word!!!




And now it works, for no apparent difference?!




  • list1
  • list2


  • list1 space 
  • list2 space 
  • ok 

If I press another list after the first list, it's merging them

  1. order
  2. more order
  3. no chaos


  • new
  • Not possible without a break
  • to have two lists

More Benetton


The ultimate ... Pictures...

Cute Little EPR is LEFT 

But the text is coming from here, ugly a bit if you are using Indent

I have no idea how to make it start from the top. Ha!!! Success! Float Right. 

Float Left! Good Boy! Good HTML. 

Back to normal

Back to Normal

Let's try again. Picture, Indent, Float...

Indent, some text, Picture, Float. Puuuurfect.

Ok... I've pressed everything...

S doesn't stop, eraser needed

Colours can make problem with the first word, solvable with Space

Picture, Indent, Float... to Put the text where it belongs. 

Now... Publish...


This was a fun string of stuff to read :D

Grrrrrr, bad Steemit, bad!

No colors accepted, no font size accepted, no image/text formatting accepted

currently you can write in red
if you wrap your comment with some html markup

<div class="phishy">currently you can write in red</div>

And the same situation here, on steemstem.io as well.
Everything was fine in a Preview

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