in #steemstem6 years ago


The original state of the Earth undisturbed by man's association showcases a perfect home for all living things (License: Public Domain]: Wiki Commons

Association happens to be an outstanding concept, not only for biologists, but the entire humanity. As a matter of fact, the very existence of both living and non-living components of the entire universe revolves around this unique phenomenon.

Someone might want to ask, ‘’what does association really means?’’. Actually, there are so many definitions depending on the context one is trying to explain. But despite the context, it is simply the relationship between two or more known identities. Whatsoever is the outcome of this relationship determines the type of association these known identities were into.

On that regards, it might interest you to know that to some extent there is no neutral outcome in association; one either benefits or losses. For instance, in a type of association known as commensalism, one of the partners involved is believed to benefit from it while the other partner neither benefits or losses. However, recent researches have proven that over time commensalism gradually deteriorates to parasitism. This is because the partner benefitting after a while somehow start deriving a great deal from the association until the other partner is no longer neutral but losing.

The above explanation acts as a pointer to the deteriorating state of the Earth due to its association with man. Although man was the only beneficiary of this association right from onset, it is now clear that the Earth is no longer neutral but rather negatively affected by it. Hence, the main aim of this article is to succinctly elaborate the factors responsible for the alteration or shift in ‘man-earth’ association and how it has triggered disruption in Earth’s balance.

Earth is our home; but it seems we won't be living here long enough...

Catastrophic state of the Earth resulting from man's quest to benefit from it (License: CC-BY-SA 4.0, Author:Dikshajhingan]: Wiki Commons

You’ll agree with me that the state of the Earth we are now living in is not exactly the same with what was present few centuries ago. Unfortunately, the Earth is constantly distorted on a daily basis and from the look of things it is quite obvious that it will only get worse mainly because of the following factors:

• Increase in human population
• Advancement in science and technology

According to computational scientist Stephen Emmott in his book Ten Billion, he asserted that "if population levels continue to rise at the current rate, our grandchildren will see the Earth plunged into an unprecedented environmental crisis".

Truth be told, despite the efforts and various approaches adopted by the national agencies responsible for population control; human population is still increasing at an alarming rate. As such, the level of dependency of humans on earth also increases simultaneously resulting in the depletion of most of the natural resources. For this reason, the Earth's primary function which is 'supporting life' becomes a problem since its ecosystem is stressed beyond limits.

Also, in the case of technological advancement; super-intelligent and inventive man has device various means to survive in the ever increasing population. However, this is basically detrimental to the Earth. For instance, we all know the relevance of the natural ecosystem in maintenance of Earth's balance. But the sad reality of the matter is that, in our generation, it's almost impossible to maintain a natural ecosystem all because of man's needs. As we move ahead, we'll talk more on the various areas that these factors have affected.

Lets start with how increase in human population is responsible for Earth's deteriorating state

Intensive farming: Man's over-dependency on the earth (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Author: Bill Gillette]: Wiki Commons

As earlier stated, the major effect that increase in human population has on Earth is that it exerts too much pressure on the ecosystem thereby stressing it beyond its capacity. The whole problem can be linked or attributed to one of man's outstanding activity known as agriculture.

Agricultural activity which is notably the major source of man's survival on Earth is now believed to threaten the Earth's balance. This is as a result of the upsurge in man's demand for food caused by the intensifying human population. In an attempt to prevent hunger and starvation, the natural forest is destroyed for planting of crops, and unfortunately some of these plants present in the natural forest are currently at the verge of extinction.

The destruction of the natural forest which is mostly done through bush burning and deforestation has seriously messed up the carbon-oxygen balance. Honestly, the way things are right now, we'll get to that point where the oxygen content in the Earth is used up since excess carbon is recycled into the atmosphere and trees that could have stabilized the level of these two important gases are constantly reducing in number.

Aside from the pre-farming operations (bush burning and deforestation) mentioned earlier, even the farming system practiced now is endangering the ecosystem. In this part of the world, I've noticed that it's virtually impossible to find a piece of land that has been left fallow. Bush fallowing system which was, and is still a good measure in agriculture helps to replenish lost nutrients in the course of farming. However, since human population has increased so much, the available lands are not even enough to produce food that will go round not to talk of leaving it fallow. In essence, this has led to the complete depletion of the nitrogen content (nitrate), and other vital nutrients in most of the lands thereby rendering them infertile.

Ways in which the earth is suffering from advancement in science and technology

Emission of toxic gases into the Earth (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Author: Alfred T. Palmer]: Wiki Commons

In today's world, the importance of science and technology cannot be overemphasized. From the invention of vehicles that has enhanced transportation; to the construction of companies and industries responsible for manufacturing products that has made life really comfortable for man, etc. Science and technology has indeed raised our standard of living here on earth. However, despite all these goodies derived from science and technology, its resultant effect has greatly defiled the earth. A typical example is the case of pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels.

Since most of these vehicles and industrial machines are powered by fuels, there's always constant emission of toxic gases into the ecosystem. Under normal conditions, some of these gases can easily be removed by the cycles that operate in nature. However, this is not the case since increased in population has already caused man to destroy the natural forest which is the primary determinant of these natural cycles. Hence, with time, frequent emissions leads to accumulation of these toxic gases, thereby causing distortion in Earth's balance.

Also, the hydrospheric portion of the earth is endangered as a result of industrial waste formed after production. The way and manner of which these untreated waste are discarded into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans has really affected the water bodies and the aquatic lives in it. It's not as if it's impossible to treat these industrial wastes, but the truth is, humans most times deliberately refuse to treat them for selfish reasons such as reducing production cost. This indirectly has led to extinction of some of the unknown aquatic lives that could no longer thrive in the polluted water bodies.

The scariest of them all is the fact that man is using science and technology to exploit the Earth of most of its minerals and fossil fuels. Unfortunately, these natural resources are non-renewable and from the way it's dwindling so fast, if man doesn't cut down on the level of which it's being wasted, we might get to that phase where it's exhausted. Furthermore, the methods that are used in extraction of these natural resources pose great danger to the earth. For example, after mining, the natural vegetation of that particular place is completely destroyed and the place remains unproductive.

Final thoughts

It's true that there's a constant association between man and the Earth. It's also true that man has been the only one benefiting from this association. However, it's quite obvious that the once commensalistic association have become parasitic in nature mainly due to the alarming increase in human population and advancement in science and technology. So just like parasites feed and live at the expense of the host; man's survival has endangered the Earth in so many aspects.

For Further Reading...

Humans: the real threat to life on Earth. Retrieved on the 5th August, 2018
World scientists' warning to humanity: a second notice. Retrieved on the 5th August, 2018
Global mass extinction set to begin by 2100, study finds. Retrieved on the 5th August, 2018

Ramalingam, S. (2011). Modern Biology, 6th Edition. Nigeria: Africana First Publishers Plc, pp. 148-156.

Image source

All images are from wikicommons licensed under creative commons and eligible for commercial use.


Hi yhubi,

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Hi @yhubi,

I found you through curie - they are having a contest that pays out if you make thoughtful comments on the posts they support. I'm visiting posts I never would have seen otherwise and this is certainly an interesting one.

I do not know too much about this topic, but I did recently stumble into something that takes an opposite view to yours. I do not have sources but here was the gist of it.

Some people on You Tube are looking at anecdotal evidence to see if we really have the population that is claimed by the powers that be. They were finding that answer to be - no. You can find this info with titles like "overpopulation myth."

One video I remember looked at Jakarta, Indonesia to see if it really holds the 10M people claimed. The person kind of eyeballs it and says, "if there are X number of people in this area, and then you multiply it out by the area of the whole city, there is no way that huge number of people really live here."

That is the sum total of my "knowledge" on this topic. But I have no doubt that we are being depopulated by many means. So hopefully the planet can heal when we disappear.

Congrats for your curie vote. You really have a wonderful post with so much effort taken. I'm glad to see the support of stem topics on steemit and I know this helps us all when you succeed.

Thanks for taking out time to read this. I'll also check on the "gist" too. I really appreciate.

Interesting concept but I'm afraid I cannot quite agree that it is overpopulation and technology that is destroying the earth. It seems to me it is greed and the drop in morality that plays into this effect. Many people live with a very small footprint on the earth and the earth can sustain them quite easily. I do agree that the association of humans on the earth is turning parasitic.

On a second thought, i totally agree with you. But lets see it this way. Maybe if the number of these "greedy" humans didn't increase too much, i guess the effects they're having on the Earth would have minimize a bid and we won't be talking about distortion in Earth's balance.

Just like i mentioned in the post, they could easily showcase this greed through science and technology, that's why our natural resources are dwindling so fast.

So you see, it still balls down to increase in population and advancement in science and technology. Without these two, humans greed has little to no effect on the Earth.

Thanks for stopping by, i really appreciate.

Hello that is a very interesting post also scary when we think of the kind of world our children and their children... are going to grow and in witch conditions. I agree with @porters who says some poeple live with a very small footprint on the world. Unfortunately it is a minority but i believe mentality can and have to change.

Mentality definitely has to change...
Thanks for reading bro.

I do understand your point of view but I want to discuss a little about one of your exameples: agriculture.
I agree with you that all this process may be harmful but there is not necessarilly the population increase but I would rather say the greedy part of population.
There is no problem in agriculture unless you as human being would also try to help the nature, for example by planting a forest or different trees.
But then there is the serious problem: bush burning and deforestation. Unfortunately I will never ever understand these actions. But just two words: greedy people - those who believe that cutting trees or making bad to nature will actually bring good in their lives. As money might buy you oxygen, which is totally wrong.
But in the end it's like screaming in the ear of a deaf man - totally useless and hopeless if they don't realise by themselves. If I would have more power, I would rather implement some very cruel punishments for those who practice such actions..

The word "greedy part of population" really got me. Thanks for this comment. I wished most people understood the importance of the natural forest, maybe, just maybe things would change for the better.

I read your article and want to comment: I find it interesting that all of the comments so far are disagreeing with you.

What you are saying is something that is spread and is probably true to a certain extent, we are in danger. But it is not set in stone. We are 'super intelligent' as you put it, we need to get 'super wise'.

Firstly, the earth does not have a neutral relationship with man, I do think that humans can be good for the earth, like any other animal, more than any other animal. When we work on reforestation we note that the areas that we never touch actually heal slower than the assisted reforestation, where we use certain techniques to speed along the process of recovery.

Secondly, you may be right, currently advancements in science and technology are a net negative, but there are a lot of positive development around science and technology counteracting the largest negative problems. When there is a problem, humans use science and technology to develop a solution. Yes we need to see or create the problem first, but still, we try to fix it.

I agree that there are huge problems with our social systems. I, and many, many others, we are working to improve current systems and even replace them with next generation sustainability solutions, communities that mimic natural ecosystems, localized stocks and flows, abundance, etc.

Not sure what gets you out of the bed in the morning, after reading your article it seems like the best solution would be to sterilize yourself or even to commit suicide. But I don't agree with that. We can do better, in fact we are already working on it.


Lol i don't believe in suicide. I think some people should be relocated to Mars.

On a serious note, i really learned a great deal from this comment. Thank you.

Yhubi, thanks for getting back to me. This is a great article, and a very hot topic for discussion currently in our world.

Relocation! That could be a big part of the solution XD

Steem on friend, and keep sharing with us your thoughts and your research. I do my best to get around and chat with a lot of people, because I love discussing things.


This is a nice concern for the association between man and earth. Now a parasitic one.

Indeed the fast growing population is a crucial pressure that has caused damages to planet earth. But we can't cry for her yet. The next shall, coz more is yet.

But technology to me is two sided, both good and bad to her.
The bad was, now this is the good.
Man has travelled the globe to explore the moon, and other planets, which is good.

Using machines to cultivate, or cars to travel is also not dangerous to her.
Nice post

Using machines to cultivate have destroyed the soil structures... Thanks for reading. I appreciate.

Mans is its own worst enemy. At this rate, there will be nothing left for the next generation..... Talk less of generations after that.

Thanks a lot for this in depth article.

Sad reality... Thanks for reading.

A fascinating piece but gosh it makes for depressing reading. The thing I find hardest to bare is the fact that it feels almost impossible for an individual to make a difference- no matter how lightly we live and how much positive input we try to provide to 're balance this key relationship, it feels futile as it is one or two individuals against the might of global industry. And yet- the whole of mankind and all its activity is made up of individuals... so we all have a responsibility in healing this broken relationship with the earth... and we all can make a difference.

Thanks for sharing such a thought provoking read. E

You're welcome.
Thanks for reading too.

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