Why do we dream? ... Part II [Take an idea]

in #steemstem7 years ago

The first part of the series(Why do we dream? ... Part I) discussed a number of theories explaining the content of dreams, and we will complete the second part of the topic by taking about two studies ,that looks weird, but it's closest to the truth.
The difficulty of studying the influence of dreams in the mental function has compelled many researchers to have random conclusions about dreams,, as it is the result of random neurological activities (as in the second theory of the previous article).

Let us continue......

Threat simulation theory

The leading theory in this area is what the philosopher and the Finnish scholar, you Rivizu and his team, reached in the 2000 study, where they used the principle of "Threat simulation" to conclude that there is a state of threat that happend during the dream, which helps us to the threats in the real life (vigilance)

How does this happen? There is neurological evidence proving that non-real information (or experiments) are treated in the brain in the same way that the real information is handled.
let's us assume that there are two person,
_The first person : plays the lute machine and
_The second person : imagines that he plays the same machine,

The difference between the two persons is :

_The first brain handles real information triggered by a real catalyst (the lute machine, a sounds, a melodies. All are really in the physical environment.),
_The second brain handles imaginary information (there is no sounds, no melodies,..).

But surprisingly, the two brains of the two persons will process the two experiments the same way in the brain....

When you wake up from a terrifying dream, you will find your breathing quickly, and feel the beating of your heart in your chest.
This confirms to you that your brain has treated the content of the dream as it deals with frightening real experiences. that will help you prepare to face the threats of the outside world in real life. According to theory, this is why dreams evolved...
Here are other questions: why the threat? Why not other something ?
To answer this question we must go back millions of years, where our ancestors lived in environments very different from our modern environment.
who had the ability to retrieve the risk scenarios they saw in the dream may have been more efficient in dealing with threat in real-life , then transferred this feature to the offspring.
So this ability to face threats has been transferred through the terrifying dream scenarios to us

This is exactly what studies have shown!

The data collected by Ivan de Castl (1966 m) of more than 500 dreams indicated that 80% of the dream are negative feelings. these dreams were closer to seeing animals or foreigners in situations of threat. we always deviate from the negative feelings in our dreams more than the positive contents

The Role of Dreams in the Evolution of the Human Mind

Five years after the publication of the Riverenzo study. professor of psychology at the University of Michigan Michael S. Franklin published a study entitled "The Role of Dreams in the Evolution of the Human Mind" in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology." in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology.
The purpose of this study is to review and extend the theory of "Threat simulation theory".
Dreams have not only evolved to prepare us to face the threats, but there are so many cognitive thinking units that have been affected and evolved by dreams,for example :

  1. Improving performance:
    PET scan have proven... People who have been trained on certain tasks. have an increase in their neurological activities related to these tasks during the REM phase of sleep ( REM : the phase when the dreams happen ).
    And the good news is that these people do these tasks better after waking up.

  2. Treatment of Social Information:
    Recent studies have shown that cognitive aspects that focus on the treatment of social information... active during the REM phase of sleep as well.
    We will be aware of the importance of this in our development if we know that the complex social information and interactions that are dealt with in the social part of our brains have played a big role in the evolution the human mind
    This conclusion can be supported by the fact that a large proportion of dreams tend to be social dreams and include different social situations

  3. Interpretation Skills:
    Dreams teach us how to deal with the real situations that we live in vigilance, and also make us develop our skills in interpreting things.

  4. Develop children for their abilities:
    It is clear that children develop their mental capacities at specific and foreseeable times in all human civilizations. At the age of nine months, children begin to deal with others. these skills in children are affected by dreams.
    The REM phase of sleep occurs more in children and decreases with age, the children enter the REM phase at the beginning of sleep and unlike adults

In the end: If your baby's asleep, you don't have to bother him because you're going to stop him from learning beautiful something .

source images from pixabay

In order to learn more about dream... You can read the references

References :

I will publish a scientific idea every day... And be in a simple way... To take an idea of everything.

I hope you support me....


Thank you Yagoub. I am injoying your shares on dreaming.

your welcome dear @innerstellar .. i missed read your post

I am going to be posting today. xoxo

so nice ....

nice research and pretty good article. i just wanted to know that if someone dreaming about snake according to your article it should be negative right?

You seem to have Arab culture... Because this is very popular.
From the scientific side: this means a threat..
From the cultural side: That means there are enemies.
Thank you for your comment @samriamelissa

@yagoub thanks for sharing about this information about dreaming.
How about "sleep talking"

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