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RE: Environmental Issues: Grand Canyon 4

in #steemstem5 years ago

I find these posts so interesting but so shocking at the same time, I do feel for the Navajo, being stuck in this prediciment, but at leat they are doign what they can and plan to shut it down when the contract ends a pity that is far in the future

We really need to all step up and do what we can to protect our planet


I can't even blame the power company. They felt they needed a 50 year contract to recoup all the expenses that they put in. Power prices have risen more than they expected at the start of the project so they have done well, and actually try to contain emissions from the plant.

It's a microcosm of the world in general. Decisions made 50 years ago or more aren't good now, but....

I hope we aren't too late coming to the aid of the planet. I personally don't think we are, but I also think we need to get after it soon or we will be too late. A sad future indeed.

Thats a good point about the plant and at least they are also trying to do things to reduce emissions
And yes indeed i do understand it is just one example of the same type of thing happening all over the world, and I to hope we are not to late but changes need to be made now we really cant put blinkers on and ignore it which so many are seeming to do these days which is scary,
I think its clearly beyond debate that the planet has been damaged by us and its time to make amends before it is too late

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