The abuse of drugs in Nigeria case study(youths)

in #steemstem7 years ago

Drug defination:- according to oxford dictionary its a medicine or otherwise introduced Into the body.

A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed, via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the toungue causes a temporary physiological and often psychological change in the body.

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Abuse:-This is an illegal or unadvised usage of a substance for personal benefit, whereas causing damage in one way or the other to the body system.

Drug Abuse:- This is the urge to use more than the amount of drugs prescribed by the doctor or the pharmacist. Its not only drugs that cab be abused even alcohol can also be abused.

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Drug use and abuse is one of the major reason why youths life has been destroyed. In our world today the abuse of drugs has increase day by day. However the introduction of the law enforcement agency(NDLEA) has somehow reduced or stop youth from making the abuse of drugs public or more than the rate we are seeing today.

The abuse of drugs has brought about so many social disorder like road accidents, loss off jobs, poor academic and job performances, also dissaray in the family.. You see a man beating up his wife and Children just because he his under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 


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Some of this substance when taking in excess, alters the mind I.e it changings their ways of reasoning, their feelings because this drugs works on the brain.

There are two major dangers associated with the abuse of drugs

  • Addiction

  • Effect on health

Addiction:- individuals that abuse the use of drugs fund it hard to do without the use of this drugs even after finding out the adverse effect on the body.

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Effect on health:- World health organisation has recorded a high frequency of diseases caused by the abuse of drugs. Kidney infections, stroke, cancer, HIV/AIDS, lung disease, mental disorder.

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Examples of drugs abused by youth


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causes of drug abuse

Three primary causes of drug abuse amongst youths

peer pressure:- youths as a whole love associating theirselves with different types of people. Once they have a freind that do drugs. Its just a matter of time before they have a taste and from there they become addicted.
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Depression:- when youth find their self in a mess they think the best way to get over their problems is to be drunk, high on smoke and expectorant, thats where they get it all wrong because it tend to worsen the situation.

unemployment:- An Idle man they say is the devils workshop. Most youth involve themselves in the abuse of drugs because they dont have something doing, they dont think about any other thing than drugs.

effects of drug abuse

  1. It deadens the nervous system
  2. It increases the heartbeat above normal level
  3. It causes the blood vessel to dilute
  4. It causes bad digestion notably of vitaminB especially when taken on empty stomach.
  5. It interfare with the power of judgement and poisons the higher brain and nerves e.t.c

remedies and solutions to drug abuse

  1. Parent shouldn't stop advising their children on the negative impact of drugs and they should keep monitoring the kind of friends they move with. If any suspected changes in their children, they should make sure the take swift action in finding out the cause if the change.

  2. Rehabilitation of affected person

  3. Schools should take it upon theirselves to teach the effect of drug abuse

  4. The campaign against the use of hard drugs shouldn't br stopped.

  5. The government should get to the root of this hard drugs and stop those manufacturing this drugs

  6. The government should implement a strong punishment for those caught with hard drugs and this punishment shouldn't be overlooked in any case.

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