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RE: Probing antimatter in its deepest details at CERN

Your posts are like ogres... which are like onions: they have layers. On the surface, I understand what's going on. But, when I start trying to peel back the layers, I always find something that my little pea brain can't fathom. In this case, it was the part about the T in CPT.

When you say,

The T transformation changes the arrow of time, making time running backwards.

... is this a theoretical concept, or can we actually measure time going in reverse?


This is a symmetry operation that is theoretically well defined. We act on the function describing how all particles behave, and we get a result telling us how all particle will behave after time reversal.

There are actually experiments managing to measure time reversal violation, like in BaBar for instance.

We also have this work where a reaction and the reverse ones were both studied.

does that mean that at the moment of big bang the anti-universe started moving backwards in time so we'll never see it ? it beats schoolbooks but it's still quite the read i can tell you , but it's amazing stuff, that's for sure, i hope you can keep this up through the years

This is the topic of another post (See here) :) There is no proof there is a anti-universe. This is just another theory that may be correct or not. Data will hopefully tell us at some point ^^

yes, let's hope so :) i'm slightly fascinated by the concept of entropy over time which as i jokingly like to say is best observed in one's kitchen after 24 hours of leaving it alone. And i might have mentioned this before but i also struggle with the notion that time is actually real and not just an illusion by observation, or a constant or variable in formula, a construct if you will, like
pardon my lack of professional jargon, i didnt go to school for this lol.
euh ... so the real forces like gravity and how things move to equilibrium which is somewhat alike i think since gravity is also a form of moving to a state of equilibrium as planets fall around each other, they don't really actually rotate do they, they're constantly falling, looking for the 'spot in the middle' where they are in balance but never finding it (luckily for us). And these things create the illusion of time but time is not an actual physical entity or force, just like numbers aren't they are constructs, they don't really exist anywhere but in mathematics and the human (or hopefully alien) mind as the dolphins would have said lol

im not sure i'm making sense to someone with a clinical scientific background but i struggle with it because there is no real evidence of time as a force, it's merely observed because real forces put everything in motion so time is only used to make formulas possible ... phew ... lol , so i don't know

i never expected talking to an actual particle physicist either but here i am .. and thanks for the link i'll make sure to check it out. The one thing i think i understand is that you cant have matter and antimatter in the same place because it would 'even out' and destroy one another, right ?
the idea of an anti-universe is quite enticing though, just like mirror dimensions which havent been proven and even if, might just be an infinite number of copies of this one without any difference at all , right? it's not because you have infinity that there has to be a difference.

Maybe in a next life i can reincarnate at cern lol, that would be nice for a change, thanks again for taking time
and maybe those snazzy simulations on tv would show better if the universe was depicted vertically so the planets fall instead of roll around heh ... maybe, i'll leave that to the experts

Time is a very complex thing. I added this topic on my to-write list of post after a comment of yours some weeks ago. But still struggling to find time (yeah :p) to write thus post. Don't worry, in due time (re-yeah) it will come ;)

The one thing i think i understand is that you cant have matter and antimatter in the same place because it would 'even out' and destroy one another, right ?

That is correct. There are searches for antimatter regions in our universe, but the limits are really strong. If they exist, they should consist in at most 0.01% of our universe. Not a big number ;)

certainly not a number that pays out here hahah , i don' want to push myself but it's been on my mind for quite a while, "why do clinical physicists accept time without proof" ? :)

i dont worry, im glad i found someone who can actually reflect my brainspasms into the real world lol

i thought i might have said that before i can get unstuck in time sometimes myself , if it gets proven as a force it would be quite something to have

like a new player in the game

I really appreciate your humility ("little pea brain") as I share it, too.

I just realized after reading your comment for the 3rd time, that you're asking about symmetry in reverse of time. I wasn't even thinking about that during my reading of the OP.

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