Interviewing the SteemSTEM Language Curators! - @greenrun

in #steemstem5 years ago (edited)

The SteemSTEM Curators


What do they do? Well, their tasks include searching for new STEM authors, evaluating and reviewing STEM articles, conducting thorough searches for plagiarism and suggesting whether or not a STEM article should be upvoted and supported by @steemstem.

A community gets bigger and stronger as its members work together, get to know each other, learn from each other.

Introducing @greenrun!

In this post @greenrun is interviewed by @kingabesh!

A man who writes just about anything. From his witty titles to his interesting pieces of writing to his awesome feedback on posts on the Steem ecosystem, @greenrun is an author we all look forward to reading. In that same sense, an interview with greenrun should be something to look forward to.

If you have any extra questions or thoughts, feel free to let someone from the PR team know!

Let’s Get On With It!

Q - Hi greenrun, thank you for taking time to reply to our questions! You are quite an enigma on the blockchain so that subtly makes you a charater we all look forward to knowing. Thus, we begin this session by asking; What is your real (first) name? What do you do, where are you from ?

A - Well, I go by the name of Green Run, and I think it is as real as it gets. I am from Nigeria, a country that is made up of 190 million people and things, with loads of good people. It has its quirks and all, and one of which is the identity politics (which fortunately I am not going to delve further in on it) which makes me retain Green Run as my name as I am 100% detribalised Nigerian.

Q - How long have you been a language curator for SteemSTEM?

A - I got a private message in steem chat on December 21, 2017, from @justtryme90 asking if I’d like to be a language curator for STEM for the Nigeria community. Let us just say I jumped at the offer and it has been a rollercoaster ride of fun and learning experience.

Q - Do you curate only posts from Nigerian authors?

A - Yes and no. I curate majorly on the STEM contents from Nigeria. In the off chance, there is none I can also curate other worthwhile posts from non-Nigerian writers.

Q - How and when did it all start?

A - Just like I mentioned above, I got a Steem chat message from one of the founders of SteemSTEM - @justtryme90 - to join the team as curator for the Stemng, a Nigeria sub-community. He said he was impressed by both my content and other Nigerian contributors. I joined.

Q - What do the Nigerian authors prefer to write about? Are there significant differences in the topics chosen, between articles by authors from other nationalities and articles by Nigerians?

A - The Nigerian communities are very diverse in the content they put out. I guess we have a mixed bunch of talented STEM community which makes it hard for me to put my hand on any particular topic of preference which they output.

Q - What is the first thing that you take into consideration when curating?

A - I check on first if the content is original and then whether it is worth supporting- is it a genuine claim or just some hogwash. If you write original content on why the earth is flat, no matter how authentic the writing is since we already know the earth is not flat, such an article is guaranteed not going to be curated.


Q - Tell us something that really gives you a great first impression when you see a SteemSTEM post. (It could have to do with the chosen topic, images, structure, lay-out etc)

A - The writing style, yes it is STEM content, but no one really loves a boring post no matter how valid the subject of discussion is.

Q - Do you have a favorite scientific topic that you have fun reading and reviewing over any others? Do you get a chance to read about it often ?

A - I think I may be more fascinated by topics that have to do with renewable energy or any breakthrough in technology that finds a more efficient way to do things. Yeah, I read a lot about renewable energy that you can call me a RE fanatic

Q - Tell us something that really makes you disappointed or angry when you see a SteemSTEM post. (It could have to do with the chosen topic, images, structure etc)

A - Blatant copy and paste spoils the mood of every curator as it is the same as theft of intellectual property which some unscrupulous writers do not see as something not worth doing.

Q - What would be your advice to both the old and new authors who wish to join SteemSTEM but do not know where to start? Do you have a channel for Nigerian STEM authors?

A - I recommend that both new and old members should not give up. Even if there is little or no engagement on their article published to keep pushing until they are noticed. People will always notice genuine hard work any day, even though it may take longer than we anticipated. Yes, we do have a discord channel which anyone can join. Here is the link


Q - What is the meaning of your username and why did the word “greenrun” appeal to you ?

A - The meaning of the name is simple, we associate green to things that are going awesomely well. Even in the crypto space nobody hates a green candle unless of course, you are short :)

I am a fan of renewable energy too which is often referred to as green energy. We all quest for a greener future- one with less pollution and less carbon footprint.

Also, I am a 100% Nigerian and green is one of the National Symbol, one which you can clearly see in the flag :)

Q - **You have a knack for writing on diverse topics and even sometimes, the unconventional ones. What inspires you to piece together these articles ? Have you always had a passion for science blogging or did you just discover that through steemstem ?

A - Well, I have wanted to be a writer since I could read. I like writing and because I also have an engineering background writing about science seems to come rather easy.

Q - When it comes to theoretical physics, Do you consider anyone greater than Albert Einstein ? If yes, why ?

A - His general theory of relativity is a significant scientific contribution. Though some say without the groundworks of scientists like Galileo and Newton that Einstein may be left in a lurch. While not in any way downplaying the roles of these great scientists, Einstein did indeed provide an excellent way of looking at the universe. As Newton humbly acknowledged, “[We] see far because [we] stand on the shoulders of giants.”

Q - If you could interview anyone from SteemSTEM, who would it be and ask him/her one question now?

A - It will have to @mobbs. I will only ask one question which is, “when do you get to sleep?” :)

Q - If you had more time to spare, how would you spend it?

A - I spend my free time writing short stories and wondering why the sky is blue.

Q - What does Science and SteemSTEM mean to you?

A - It is an avenue to share exciting news and stories from the STEM community and making STEM more fun instead of the dreary nerds and uptight people they often portray those in STEM fields as.


Q - Who are your top 3 favourite scientists and why are they so ?

A - Elon Musk, Elon Musk, and Elon Musk.

Yeah, I know I mentioned him three times that is just to show how much of a fan that I am. He represents everything excellent in scientists, he and his group are consistently looking at ways to make mankind and living more wholesome. From his SpaceX space exploration to his Tesla EV cars and renewable systems, he is sure showing a lot of sceptics that things could be done better.

Q - If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose?

A - To be a chocolate taster who gets paid a humongous amount of money to taste chocolates!

Q - Besides SteemSTEM, do you have any other Steem-related activities you would like to share?

A - For now, I’m all in on SteemSTEM, it is a ride-or-die relationship :)

Q - What is your greatest wish for SteemSTEM?

A - To be the next quora where people looking for answers on STEM contents come to check for the real, correct info.

Q - Where do you see SteemSTEM in 5 years?

A - I see the future to be much awesome, there is this growing awareness of many blockchain-based projects, and with the great team spearheading steem I know the future will be amazing with loads of juicy offers in the offing.

It was an honor interviewing @greenrun and I would like to sincerely thank him for finding time to answer my questions. Ciao

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Please also consider to support the project by delegating to @steemstem for a ROI of 65% of our curation rewards (quick delegation links: 50SP | 100SP | 500SP | 1000SP | 5000SP | 10000SP).

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I am wondering whether they printed greenrun on your passport... ;)

If you write original content on why the earth is flat, no matter how authentic the writing is since we already know the earth is not flat, such an article is guaranteed not going to be curated.

This is so true... People should write about why the universe is flat! This is so way superior :D

To come back to what you said about Einstein, it is important that everyone bare in mind that the science of today is built on the science of yesterday. Without the work of the previous generations of scientists, we would have to restart from scratch every time. This means, much less progresses. It is true that Einstein had to rely on the work of others. But this is true for anybody.

If the universe is flat, doesn't that mean the earth is flat too?

If someone writes a post arguing for flat-earth from that perspective, is it then steemSTEM content? :P

No it does not. The key point here is the 'scale' part. The universe is flat at large scales. Our good old planet is definitely not what we could call a large scale. As for the stomach of @justtryme90 by the way. For some reason, the same discussion is happening on discord and on the blockchain :D

The building on works of others makes the progress so much faster. Imagine starting off every scientific venture from scratch, there's no way we would have made so much inroads like we have now.


That's a great interview from @kingabesh.

I'll also like to salute the doggedness and hardworking qualities of @greenrun. He's a great leader. Having both him and @gentleshaid at the Helm of STEMng is the best thing that's ever happened. They are both rocking the ship steadily. I wish them more power to their elbows.

Well-done once again, greenrun, the mysterious one.

Thanks a lot. We do appreciate the compliments :)

That's a great interview from @kingabesh.

I'll also like to salute the doggedness and hardworking qualities of @greenrun. He's a great leader. Having both him and @gentleshaid at the Helm of STEMng is the best thing that's ever happened. They are both rocking the ship steadily. I wish them more power to their elbows.

Well-done once again, greenrun, the mysterious one.

Green was my fav color as a kid, cos it's the color of nature.

But now I don't know if I have a favorite color. And also, nature has many more colors than just green!

Great to learn more about you Greenrun! I probably should have known you were a fan of renewable energy since you've posted about it a lot and your name reference to it, but I didn't piece it together until reading this. Thanks for playing such a big role in the community!

Interesting. I love the green concept. Keeps everyone guessing.

We all love the greens :)

Especially the green vegetables :D

And greenbacks :)

I've known @greenrun for over 1year in SteemSTEM, and I really salute his works; together with @gentleshaid; to keep the Stemng subcommunity running. Hat's off 👍.

PS: Baba Greenrun, shey ur first name na Green ni, and ur surname na Run? 😂😂 :)

Haha. What more can I say? :)

@steemstem, Without any question to Strengthen particular community needs diversified people who will bring the strength and uniqueness to community and through Diversification expansion comes because Diversification can cover many fields. Keep up team and keep growing.

Thank you. The more diverse an entity becomes, the more excellent the talents there becomes :)

Welcome and these are to the point words. Have a blessed time ahead.

Thanks for letting us know a bit more about you, Green.

My guess about green was so true :)

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