TIL: The Track-Your-Fart Pill

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Image from: commons.wikimedia.org - Author, Pulpy - License

Today's post is dedicated to @lemouth (for obvious reasons). 

Scientists in Australia (RMIT and Monash Univeristies) have developed an ingestible capsule in order to explore the mysteries of the gut. Like a tiny submarine that dives into the abyss to look for the monsters of the deep, this pill takes a dive into the dark world of our intestines to look for... gases. The capsule is the size of big vitamin pill and is powered by a silver-oxide battery. It is equipped with sensors to track temperature and gas presence (O2, H2 and CO2) and is connected to a pocket-size receiver that communicates via bluetooth with a smartphone app (you could call it a Gut Tracker).

a, Three-dimensional rendering of the human gas sensing capsule sliced to demonstrate the internal components. b, Photo of the packaged gas capsule and receiver device. c, Dimensions of the capsule. d, Schematic representation of intestinal gas penetration through the gas permeative membrane, reaching the sensing elements. e, Basic circuit diagram and operation of gas sensors in the capsule. 

Image from: nature.com

The capsule was firstly tested on animals. Humans received a different version, adjusted correspondingly in size and density. It also had a more advanced system in order to differentiate among the various gases it was about to monitor. 

Seven individuals took part in the study and followed both a high and a low-fibre diet. It took one day for the first to pass the capsule through their system and three days for the latter. Variations on gut fermentation were also noticed. Moreover, test subjects that received a high-fibre diet experienced abdominal discomfort (a known side-effect of excessive fibre consumption).

What "winds" blow in there and where do they come from?

In your guts winds of change (sorry, that's a song), winds of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and methane (H2, CO2, O2, N and CH4) blow. These gases come from air swallowed, but most of them originate from "chemical conversions, enzymatic perturbations and metabolic activity of the intestinal microbiota". In plain english, it all has to do with the food breaking down, the transformation of one chemical substance into another, disturbances caused by enzymes and the reaction of our intestinal population (bacteria) with unabsorbed substances.

Why would we want to test anyone's farts?

Gases reveal a lot about someone's health helping in diagnosing any intestinal disorders. This capsules promise to offer an easy and less invasive (compared to tube insertion tests) diagnostic method. Providing more information on how the body processes the food, this new capsule will be a lot more helpful, since its predecessors could only measure pH and pressure levels. The former "models" were also used as "medication monitoring tools, and esophageal optical coherence tomography monitoring using tethered capsules". 

Scientists still need to develop their new tool and further testing is also required. But one thing is for sure, the Big Brother will end up watching you not only from the outside...

Check this short video for more:



Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people! 


Lolz....I knew I would enjoy reading this, on sighting the title @ruth-girl
Fart Tracker!
It definitely must have been a heck of an experience extracting the capsule from the human subject's excrement.
I kind of think it would be tough for the device to get very popular among people though, in my opinion. Because it would be too much of an ordeal having to ingest it and then extract the pill for analysis.
Except it would be a "one-time", "untouchable" and "disposable" tool.

A very interesting article @ruth-girl.
Question for you: Would you want to have your fart tracked and measured? Lol

Well, the capsule sends data to the receiver and the receiver back to the phone app, so I think that after coming out it is disposed off. I would hate to find out that the capsules are re-used...

Answer: Why not? Even though I know the answer, a lady's fart smells like roses :P

Thank you for reading @rickie!

Roses?!? Well, it is well-known that ladies do not fart at all!

@nyarlathotep ...really? Lolz.
So, how do you reckon ladies rid themselves of intestinal gases then?

Only mermaids don't fart @nyarlathotep :P

I would hate to find out that the capsules are re-used...

Yea, me too. It would be terrible, if that was the case.

......a lady's fart smells like roses :P

Lolz.....That is so not true @ruth-girl

Liar, liar, pants on fire 😝


Lol. Hahaha. I can only track mine. I wouldn't for another. It was good you stated the motivation of this post. Lol

Now you can monitor everyone's farts, with The Fart Tracker!! Ahahahaha!

Thanks for reading @turpsy! :)

I scanned through the original paper and didn't see the word "fart" anywhere. Clearly, the authors were trying to keep things professonal, but you're a hero for simplifying verbiage for the common man.

Yes, not one single time, unlike the numerous articles I found while doing my "research" :P

Thank you for reading @tking77798 !! :D

Noooooooooooooo! Nooooooooooooo! Not again :P

είναι ίνδαλμα! :p

Ο ήρωας που χρειαζόμαστε αλλά δεν αξίζουμε!

ελπίζω κάποια στιγμή να φτάσω κι εγώ σε τέτοιο επίπεδο καψίματος,χαχα

looooooolll. Genius

Ulceritive Colitis R&D supports this. can it scale down a bit.. ouch.

If I had to choose between something coming in through my colon and this pill, I'd definitely choose the pill! :P

Instead of just gathering data, the pill could be a bit more functional: after it read a bit about the person's individual intestinal population, a proper chemical formula might be created that neutralizes the odors of that person's farts.

A pill to neutralize common fart odors coming from everyday foods would be easy to make and cheap. But for the really bad smells (beans & broccoli & cauliflower & garlic), the pill must have special ingredients, rare and expensive.

With the right amount of money, you might be able to even make your farts smell of roses, or hot chocolate or cake. It's all Science, baby!! (Should I copyright the idea?)

Brilliant! Smelly gases? Not any more with our new Gut Freshener! :P

Σαν βιντεάκι των ΑΜΑΝ ακούγεται, αχαχαχαχα!

Ειναι τεχνολογια NASA (MASA), καλή μου!

Everything for the science and our sake!! it may look a bit funny and weird but if it can even diagnosed colon cancer then it's worth the effort

That would be brilliant! Who would mind some bowel discomfort over a colonoscopy? It's just amazing to watch how technology and science have progressed.

RoboSuppository... Some will like it, many will love it... xD

Ahahahaha! :P

Do you think this capsule is safe? what happens when it becomes unstable and explodes

I don't believe they would test it on people without making sure it's safe to...

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