in #steemstem7 years ago



Almost everyone has his or her favourite fruit.l like mangoes and we in the season of mangoes in this Southern part of Africa.Growing up at my granny’s house we had fruit trees of guava,mango,paw-paw,granadilla,pomegranate,lemon,strawberry,oranges etc.Almost every season we would enjoy some fruits.Growing up there it was so nice and funny ,l remember we had a tree of a special type of mangoes that my granny counted because they were usually few , my granny wanted us to share when one mango is ripe ,no-one was suppose to steal and eat alone.We would also sell some fruits each season and have money to buy bread especially lemons we would get a lot of money selling them.



For those living in countries where fresh fruits are obtained all year round especially in the rain forests,the equatorial regions l consider them blessed .lf only they knew the benefits of fruits they would cook less and eat more of fruits.Let’s try by all means to eat fresh fruits were possible.lf you want to keep fruits for further use during winter were most fruits are not available rather can using a glass not a tin so that they remain in good condition.Use little sugar and cook the fruit only long enough to ensure it’s preservation,this when done correctly it is as good as fresh fruit.Raisins,peaches,pears,apples etc can also be dried and eaten later.l like raisins l always prepare my fruit cakes with raisins. At my house we grew up not buying jam,my grandmother would make jam using lemon and sugar and it was one of the best spread ever in my life.


Fresh fruits are more beneficial ,they are some deaths that were recorded of people dying as a result of eating deacayed fruits which ferment in the stomach and result in blood poisoning .For a dyspepctic stomach , you may place upon your tables different kinds of fruits but not too many at one meal.One thing that you should take not of as we recommend fruits as a health giving agency,they should not be eaten after a full meal of other foods.For the brain workers it is recommended for them to have a fruit diet for a few days this helps in giving them relief.ln our medical centres patients should be encouraged to eat variety of fruits in volumes


Where l come from in Zimbabwe almost every house has fruit trees.We often associate places with what fruit we get from the area for example Zvimba district is well known of mangoes and Mazowe of Oranges.One thing that surprised me when l started to live in South Africa is that you can find the whole location to be without any fruit tree.We buy every fruit here unfortunately most of them are not organic.ln Zimbabwe we enjoy fresh fruits straight from the tree we know for sure we eating is encouraged for those who can to cultivate an orchard in every house were possible and thus we promote heathy living in our homes.
Thank you all for reading images are linked with their sources just below the picture

Reference and Texts
The Ministry of Healing by Ellen G White

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