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RE: Is it more profitable to suffer than to let go of a problem?

in #steemstem7 years ago

Looks like I'm a bit late with a reply... been trying to understand all this, but I guess there was just a bit too much Glühwein over the Holidays.... ;-)

Read this really interesting post again and although I'm not sure that's your intention, I compare it to my own life and certain situations.

Maybe I should start with your riddle... since I don't have much patience for slow elevators, I'd take the stairs. Now I wonder if its the wrong answer, as my "solution" is sort of self centered and does nothing for the other people wanting to move up and down in the building 😕

Interesting what you say about the crying child and a joke teller... generally, someone who "depends" on an audience. Somehow it also applies to artists, particularly those "tormented souls"...

Still trying to figure out the solution of The problem is the solution. Change without being changed is possible... I like the sort of surrealistic sound of it, but I still don't know, what to do with my porcelain now... particularly the pieces with ugly spots and cracks. Showed it to a therapist once, many years ago, and it didn't end well 😬 🤐 🤢 but that's another story 😜


tis never too late, my friend. :-)

Thank you for visiting and reading, I appreciate that a lot!

Okay, first the riddle: there are no stairs in the building. I should have said that. Smile. But I give you the solution which is the cheapest one for the one who is running the building: Install a mirror and people overcome their boredom while standing in the elevator because they look at themselves in the mirror. Simple, no?

The evil thing about creating a work of art that touches the hearts and souls of other people is often a consequence of pain or troubled feelings. Therefore, the artist reactivates his pain memory. You might want to be careful not to do this too often, as it can easily become a habit (I'm making a joke that has a small true core, of course). But as long as the consciousness of the tortured soul is accepted by art and can thus be integrated at some point, as a mere part of life, an artist has found a form of self-therapy. Surely you know many examples where artists couldn't do this and that's why they went down so tragically in history.

I'd say that the fact that you showed someone your porcelain ended well. In my perception of your person you have found the gift of artistic and verbal expression, success on this platform, interesting and stimulating encounters and a source of inspiration. If you were broken, tortured or untreatable, you wouldn't be here. From this I conclude that a part of you is holding on to a certain dose of pain because it makes you feel alive. But this is pure speculation from me, which is to be understood as an offer.

For the not quite catchable surrealistic statements: It is exactly what they are good for. Because they "disturb" in a way, that one likes to think or contemplate about them.


Hm... have seen the mirror solution a few times. Not so sure I like it that much... plus with no stairs in the building, I'd report the owner to the fire department ;-)

With the "tortured souls", I was actually a little cynical, as I have been around one too many people who used that "excuse" to torture everyone around them. I myself created some things during bad times which I consider special and I probably wouldn't have done them, if things had been good and easy. On the other hand, I have been in such misery, that my work started to look like mud and I knew, I had to change something.. so, it wasn't my art that made me feel better, I made changes to make me feel better to create better art :-) Don't know, if this makes sense..

Haha... well, the porcelain thing is a whole different story. I tell you, if we ever meet in person ;-)

So, I don't think I'm broken or anything. I've been through some tough times, like just about everyone else and I got over it. I'm basically mostly positive 😁 and I like surrealistic thing with a touch of disturbance!

Missed the cynical tone:)

The torturer needs recipients who give enough ground to let them being tortured. One can see the drama queens & kings as a pain in the ... as well as a great chance to develop empathy without becoming sucked into the suffering. Which is a really challenging task to take. My example with Lars was an attempt to show that. It is such a wonderful method to deal with suffering people because others do not pity but take the "disturbed" behavior as it comes around. In this exaggerated example lies a great learning for me. I am always watching out for impressive narratives to get the message transported. The "aha-effect", so to speak.

it wasn't my art that made me feel better, I made changes to make me feel better to create better art :-) Don't know, if this makes sense..

It makes absolutely sense.

I had a client back then who told me that she'll be only able to dance, to have deep connections and enjoy life, once she is healthy again. I told her to ask herself, if it also could be the other way around: That she dances, gets in touch and enjoys the events in her life to become healthy again.

I see that you are anything but broken:)
My assumption was that I think everybody has something of porcelain standing in the cupboard - the pain - and likes to hold on whenever something happens which activates it. Including myself. Otherwise we would be divine, no? For my life experience I never met anyone who is already "awake" or "enlightened". Which I consider as humanly.

Does this make sense to you?

Of course it makes sense :-)

And of course I too have my porcelain in the cupboard... I just refuse to have things that I can't change, pull me down anymore. Most of the time ;-)

When I was young, I always thought I was super stable.. mentally. Then life gave me a few good hits in the face to teach me a lesson and become a bit more modest.

And then again, I was always very lucky too and with all that I found an attitude based on gratitude :-) hahaha... it rhymes! 😁👨‍🎨


modesty is always good when people reach a certain age and have more past than future. It is kinda strange watching a mid sixty one still acting rebellious and stubborn.

I am totally agreeing with your rhyme :-))

Hahaha... "..mid sixty one still acting rebellious.." sounds funny, when I think of my dad at 79! With him its genuine though 🤠

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