Informal Peer Review And Feedback Activity On Steemstem - Things Are Feeling Healthier

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Joint Base Andrews link Public domain image.

Steemstem as a small community within the larger Steemit ecosystem is dedicated to creating quality STEM content on this platform.

A few months ago the curators posted an exhortation to reboot and improve Steemstem in this post here.

Since then, the community's involvement seems to have gotten much better. I have a few anecdotes about this improvement that I want to communicate in this post.

Peak Oil And The Impact On Population

Last week I wrote a post on a postulated impact that peak oil may have on the global population in this post here: Peak Oil And The Impact On Global Population. I may have drifted off into the pessimistic side a bit too far in this one but that's okay because:

The next day user nonzerosum posted an excellent counter-argument to my post Peak Meat As One of Many Reactions To Peak Oil in which he provided data that much of humanity's arable land is dedicated to producing meat which is an inefficient way to produce food calories. If a peak oil scenario does hit the world then we will be able to convert more land over to crop production and less to meat production which would mitigate the impact. This is a piece of data I did not know about and is a great example of peer feedback on Steemstem.

Someone Actually Wrote A Program For Me

In my post Kill Time With Recreational Math: Let's Travel To Alpha Centauri! I used a very large Excel spreadsheet to calculate how long it would take to get to Alpha Centauri in a 1 g spaceship.

The next day user terrylovejoy actually wrote a program in Python to replicate and confirm my results in this post here: Travel Time to Alpha Centauri - Python Program.

How cool is that?

Since then I have installed Python 3.6 saved Terry's code in "" and ran it to get an answer of 4.85396681763964 years which compares favourably with my spreadsheet. I changed the time_increment from 1000 seconds to 100 seconds just to see the effect of a smaller time increment and get basically the same answer. I changed the distance to 100 x 2 = 200 light years and I get an answer of 10.349737910313467 years (ship time) to go 200 light years.

Procrastilearner (CC BY-SA 3.0 license)

So this feedback has prompted me to finally get around to installing and learning Python, which has been on my to do list for years. I am glad that I have added it to my day-to-day toolkit for performing small calcs.

Things Don't Suck. They Blow.

Yesterday I wrote a post about how the force of suction is fictitious and fluids can only push (Things Don't Suck. They Blow.). In a comment LeMouth pointed out that this pushing force only works up to 10 metres or so. Damn! I knew that and should have incorporated that tidbit into my post to communicate even more science to the Steemstem readers. link CC0 license

What Kicked It Off For Me and The Result

It all got kickstarted about 4 months ago with user kryzsec's helpful comment that I should cite my sources if I was going to post on steemstem: "Also your images are improperly sourced, like legally you are liable with the picture of the Delorean." Since then I have learned all about creative commons (CC0, CC1, CC2, CC3 and CC4), public domain and fair use and I now stringently get my images from CC and PD sources and cite them all with the proper methods.

Support in Return

So now, to help support Steemstem I tend to go through the New posts in Steemstem and look for users with low reputations and do one of two things:

1.If the post is not appropriate to Steemstem then I post this comment:

Good article but I don't think that this post actually belongs in Steemstem. STEM is Science Technology Engineering and Math. Looking forward to any topics you may want to write about on that in the future.

This helps to keep junk out of the Steemstem tag. Sometimes I like to give them a small upvote to take the sting off of the comment.

2.If the post was good, appropriate to Steemstem and cited sources properly but is looking as if no one gave it any love then I give them an upvote and occasionally resteem it for improved visibility. My following is still small but every little bit helps.

A little upvote goes a long way to keeping new contributors encouraged and posting in the future. If new users don't stay with Steemit then the platform will eventually die so it is in the community's interest to help those with lower reps along up the ladder. link CC0 license

Useful And Interesting Websites

Finally, commenters will sometimes let me know about useful websites or programs that could be of interest.

Black Hole Sun

In my post about a Black Hole Sun user alexdory let me know about a cool app called Universe Sandbox 2. Now I can simulate black holes and other things astronomy related and rely less on my imagination.

Homophily - The Reason The Internet Is Full Of Drama

In my post about echo chambers and how it is creating a super dramatic internet here user toddrjohnson let me know about website Econtalk. Now I have a whole new world of source materials for ideas to post about. Thanks man.

Closing Words

Steemstem is an encouraging oasis within the larger Steemit ecosystem.

The community seems to be getting healthier and more active and the comments threads also seem to be getting better and occasionally they even take on a life of their own.

Who knows maybe a year from now Steemstem will be as active as one of the STEM subreddits.

Thank you for reading my post.



@steemstem is a gem no doubt. The level of objective engagement here is second to none. In STEM community, you don't just engage without knowing the fact of discourse or you will be ignored. You must be able to engage with facts and cite relevant studies. This make STEM community one of a kind. The richness of the responses we get in our posts may one day lead us to making a discovery or development of a novel concept entirely.
I give it to the management for this awesomeness...


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

I give it to the management for this awesomeness...

I second that emotion.

Hey, cool, thanks @procrastilearner! I couldn't agree more with the sentiment of this post! Writing as a community makes the whole process of writing far easier and more enjoyable. We each have different strengths and perspectives here, the possibilities of what we can add are endless.

In addition to reply post idea, I personally could do with some help addressing some of the comments from some of the more "free thinking" members of the wider Steemit community. For instance, on my latest post I had a comment about free energy devices that are being kept secret by "big energy", the commenter then goes on to give links to instructions of how to build them. I’m going to go ahead and assume bullshit on this but I’d love to see a breakdown of why from those that understand the science better, could prove to be an interesting project for one of you out there.

I like free energy devices because they test my science knowledge in trying to figure out just where the bullshit is.

I was actually planning on doing a series of posts on these things starting with the EM drive.

Brilliant, yes I thought it'd be right up your street!

Thanks for mentioning me and for explaining Steemstem. I had seen the tag, but wasn't sure what it was about. I will try to target some future posts for it.

It is good that you have implemented the advice that they so graciously gave you and that little by little you are growing and taking a space in the community ... I visualize achievements for you, a hug friend!

Thx. It is also good to have a group of consistent commenters for their valuable and encouraging feedback.

Excellent post. It's good to see you so involve with the steemstem project. the support that you give to the "new" user is a fantastic initiative.

A lot of new users just don't get any votes or attention. It is important to encourage new people coming and make them want to post in the future.

It is wonderful this technological world, I understand little of physics but you have a nice and realistic touch, It is good to know you and read so many articles. The oil post I read it and it was really interesting. Good job!

The oil post I read it and it was really interesting.

Thx but I think I may have leaned a bit too far over to the darker interpretation.

Go here to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

Hi @procrastilearner!

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Very good information. Thanks for share

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