
Indirectly yes: top quarks can be reconstructed from their decay products, and lighter quarks will form jets of composite states that one can observe and whose properties can be measured.

Didn't entirely understand you, the decay products and reconstruction of top quarks part to be specific. How do we detect these decay products and bring them together to make a quark?? What precision does it take? But this does remind me that I have a book which might help... Thanks for your answer though.

The top quark is special in the sense that it decays into a bottom quark and a W-boson very promptly, so that it has no time to do anything else. We can reconstruct it from the measurement of the properties of the decay products that can be somehow identified.

For the light quark stuff, please check my answer below and this link.

Does it help?

Now I see what you meant by reconstruction from decay products... I will still dig into the fermions and bosons... I only know a little bit about them.

If you want, you can have a look to my last posts where I started to write particle physics lecture notes for steemit. This is a kind of starter (see here for the lecture number 1 which may answer your fermionic/bosonic question).

I would answer this differently than @lemouth, but the answer would still be indirectly, yes. The simplistic, not entirely correct answer (but good enough to understand) is:

Quarks cannot exist alone, they always come in clumps of 2, 3 or even more. This is one of the consequences of the way quarks interact, described by a theory called Quantum Chromodynamics (three-letter acronym: QCD). But as long as those clumps/composite states interact (so have charge or can be converted into particles with charge, using the first or second bullet in my post) we're good to go and measure them :)

Indeed, when single quarks are produced they quickly 'create' some extra quarks to make a composite particle by any means possible as they cannot exist alone due to QCD, meaning they will use almost all their energy to create quarks (through E=mc^2), and those 'sprays' of new (all composite of 2/3 quarks) particles are called jets. The top quark is a special case which I will discuss in a later blog.

By the way the theory of QCD, and specifically the calculation of the way quarks behave in QCD including this , was recognized by the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics for Gross, Wilczek and Politzer.

I have actually written some time ago this that may be useful. Please ignore the title ;)

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