10 Insects with Amazing Superpowers (Part 2).

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Here we are again in the concluding part of the "10 insects with Amazing Superpowers." Part 1 is just a click away. I wouldn't have split the post into two but it was getting too long and I wouldn't want my readers to stop half way so I thought it would be better if I stopped halfway. Insects in this concluding part include; Fleas, Fireflies, Locusts, Bees, and Cockroaches. So, let's start with fleas.

6. Fleas

A Flea

Fleas are not just harmful to pets but even to we humans too. The fleas have a special ability that should make humans jealous but I don't think we really need it. The fleas can fly as high as 150 times their original size but again, this is some kind of big deal to us because we must be probably be viewing from the insect side. Let's consider it as if it were a human, then, you sill see the specialty in them.

For example, I am 5'9 tall and as a flea, and as a flea I can jump up to 862.5 in the air to a height of 862.5 feets in the air, then it would be special features because:

  1. I would be defying gravity

  2. It would mean we do not need many cars, we just need to jump to get to our destination, but there might as well be a lot of collisions too.... Lol.

  3. When there is a reduction in the number of cars, we should know there would a reduction in the price, pollution and car expenses like fuels etc.

Lol, so you might as well think of the abilities you're crushing, the next time you crush a flea.
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7. Fireflies

A Firefly

Before mentioning, I think you should know the special ability of these flies as it is evident in the name-Fireflies. The fireflies have the ability to produce their own light and this has been a source of joy or fun to many of us. Well, I can remember when I was much younger, we caught the fireflies for the fun of it and we try as much as possible not to make them die so we would continue seeing the light they produce-they are one lucky specie of insects, others would have been dead.

There is one thing I think is best for us to learn from the fireflies-the efficient way to use energy. The fireflies as designed by nature uses most of its energy to produce light wasting a negligible or little energy but the reverse is the case for our light bulbs. Our bulbs use 10% of their energy in producing light and the other 90% are wasted whereas the fireflies use 100% of their energy to produce light because even if they choose not to, it would be dangerous for them. Imagine them losing 90% of their energy, hmm.. they would just have themselves burnt up.

One more thing, lest I forget, the fireflies can communicate just like humans too but You don't expect them to talk or do you? 😂 They communicate using signals from the light they produce. A pattern of light production is different from another in meaning but the one I know is used to signal for mating. Both male and female have a pattern of light to say they are single but in a case where the male signals first, the female would have to flicker if she wants to mate too...

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8. Locusts

A Locust

If you're looking for a pilot, I think you should check out Mr. Locust because when it pertains to flight in insects, Mr. Locust is one of the most efficient in their world probably because they can fly long distances without using too much energy. It took scientists a lot of years to find out that these insects don't use too much energy during flight which is what makes them capable of sustaining a steady flight rate-even if the wind and temperature are unfavorable, the flight is steady.

One other thing, locusts can twist their wings during flights to help them preserve the energy and also help the control the magnitude of their lift and maintain it at a constant rate. It is very surprising that they can go on like that in a distance of 80 kilometers in a day without resting...

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9. Bees

A Bee

One of the most intelligent insects we have in the world is bees, having a complicated means of communication and "extraordinary navigation skills" even though they have a poor eyesight.

Have you ever heard of the waggle dance? The bees are the ones that do it. That's a means of communicating with the others to tell them they found food or a good site for a colony. You might think the dance is just turning and turning an axis but it's not, it's more complicated than that.

For example, if a bee dances from a 12 to 6 o’clock direction, that means food or home is located directly away from the sun. In contrast, a 6 to 12 o’clock movement signifies that bees are to “fly straight forward towards the sun”. A 7 to 1 o’clock movement means that the bees are to fly “to the right of the sun”.

Apart from the communication aspect of the honey bees, they navigate surroundings with the help of visual landmarks,"taking the sun’s position into consideration, and using the Earth’s electromagnetic field." I believe you must know the reason I called them one of the most intelligent insects now...

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10. Cockroaches

A Cockroach

Probably man's worst enemy, I don't know. I believe you remember the insect I told you is nigerially compatible with the slippers(footwears)? This is it. I know most of you would have been expecting this right from the start, I know and this list wouldn't be complete without it. The cockroaches are the most powerful insect known to us as even the sight of a single cockroach can scare the most powerful and strongest men-it can make them scream, jump or doing something a girl would do in a difficult situation.

The hatred of man towards the cockroach has blindfolded us and has made us oblivious of the medical significance of it. There is a lot of research being done on the cockroach and part of the discovery made on them is that their brain contains at least nine antibacterial molecules that protect them from powerful bacteria.

So, what does this have to do with modern-day medicine?

The antibacterial molecules present in their brain is more powerful than any antibacterial present in the medical world of today. Who would have thought about that? The antibacterial in a cockroach's brain is more powerful than anyone present even in the modern drugs we use. Laboratory proves have shown that the antibacterial molecule found in a cockroach's brain can easily cure a bacterial infection(MRSA) that is more deadly than AIDS and E. coli.

More so, cockroaches have the ability to survive nuclear explosions. How do they do so? I don't know but I know when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed in the World War II On August 6th, 1945 by atomic bombs, the only survivors were cockroaches and at least 129,000 people died. As wonderful as this ability is, it has a limitation- a 100,000 radon unit will kill a cockroach.

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Tomorrow is a very big day for me, I might not come around but surely my next post will be "WHAT I LEARNT THIS WEEK 4".....

Stay tuned..

Thank you for coming around for the concluding part of 10 insects with Amazing superpowers!!

That little boy, @pearlumie.


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Fleas | Fireflies | Locusts | Bees | Cockroaches


Wow! Quite an interesting post @pearlumie
The waggle dance! Lolz
I didn't know the bees had that much swagger of a dance.
The time factored dances though are the weird part. As much as I'm fascinated by such fact....I sure wouldn't want to be anywhere near a bee dance. 'Cos i can never know the particular bee that might find me interesting enough to come visit.

I have just been enlightened...what an eye opener.... Would follow you right away....am looking forward to reading more of your post.

Thank you sir... Am glad you liked it

cool insects
but the cockroach self own na wa...
ave been seeing it on the discovery channel that a cockroach can withstand a nuclear explosion..

but this cockroach is another case when you want to kill it, you go flog am tire hahaha

The cockroach is a funny type of insect.. It can withstand a nuclear explosion but it can't withstand ordinary nigerian slippers... Lol, irony of Life...

Very detailed bro... Really weird fact there. Cockroaches survived the Hiroshima nuclear explosion... A bit much to take in. Lol.

Good one.

Thanks for coming around, bro

cockroach sef get super power...

lol i wont doubt cockroach's super power my kid sister fears it like its lion

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