in #steemstem7 years ago

As a child,I found it hard to live with my older sister. I felt she was a bully and she didn't like me. I couldn't explain why she would share all her food and snacks with me this minute and the next minute she would refuse to lend me a pair of her socks, if I couldn't find any of mine. She didn't talk to me much and I didn't talk much either. I had regular conversations with my teddy bear and dolls,until my Aunt Amy took away my toys, because my conversations with inanimate objects was becoming weird. I started making paper dolls and kept them under my pillow.
Here we are today as big women.....
My sister was very expressive as a child. Almost talkative. She made friends easily and knew how to play very well! She would climb the guava and 'fruit' trees in the house, even though she knew very well our mother would be very cross with her, if she found out. I never sold her out because, she shared all her proceeds from climbing with me. I was a very very quiet child. My mother was often asked if I was speech impaired. I hardly ever spoke. I mostly smiled. The only thing I could climb were stairs! I never climbed trees. I couldn't ride a bicycle (still can't ride one!). I wasn't keen on making friends,I was very uninterested and quite uninteresting too! My older sister on the other hand was action packed! She was the life of the house! The one who was very vocal and fun!

Christmas in my home town Umunze, in Orumba South, was my sister's all time favorite! From the palace to uncle Promise's house, to uncle Mike's house, to uncle John's house, to 'ogwe' to play with the village kids, to the Ibe's compound, to Ndubueze's shop to purchase more 'banger' and buy short bread, to Ihite, to Ezira, to Isulo and sometimes to Arondizuogu!!! All the way to Arondizuogu, just to watch masquerades, throw money at them and make them chase her 😱! Everywhere she went she would be hailed 'Nwanyi igwe'. It is believed my paternal grandmother reincarnated through her. My sister was and still is so much fun! Too much fun!!!
My sister would knuckle punch me and push me. She wanted me to be just like her.. I guess. I hated this! I would cry my eyes out every single day! One beautiful day, she pulled my ears for not responding to her question. I didn't cry. I got up and gave her a resounding slap. She was in shock. She started to cry! I was in shock!!! She didn't slap me back. She kept crying..... I was about 11 years old. I got my 'freedom' and our love story began that very day!

My sister is that girl you can't help but love! Thinking back, it must have been unbearable for someone as vivacious as she was/is, to have a sister as 'slow' as I was. I must have been somewhat annoying too, because my sister is a LOVER! She can love! Chaiiiiiii!!! She treats everyone with so much love and care ! She can share her last penny with anybody. I don't know anyone who gives as much as she does. My sister is just simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I don't even know how to explain this human being! Where do I even begin!?? My sister will cook, share, nothing will be left for her to eat and she would happily go to bed on an empty stomach. She derives joy in seeing satisfaction in people's faces. She's a one in a billion kind of woman! We her siblings have a ball on the daily!

My older sister is a very interesting character. While 'regular' girls might listen to Adele or Beyonce, my sister has all Sizzla Kalonji and Bob Marley albums. She's the Queen of reggae music. My other siblings and I have nicknamed her 'Aragaboom and Kilamiti', because that's the type of lingua we hear, whenever we listen to her CDs 😂... I once went for a get together with her, and immediately we got in, everywhere went crazy. Chants of "Chisquare in the building" and "omxy in the house" rent the air! I couldn't stop laughing when one of her friends walked up to her, gave her a 'manly' handshake and said "My guy why you just dey come now?". I was like "my guy ke!? How??????" . After that day, she has refused to allow me roll with her and her 'guys' 😂.

If my sister has 200 friends, be sure that 180 are male. She seems to flow better with the boys. And her friends have the funniest nicknames I have ever heard. It's either she's on the phone with Milk man, Short dawg, Ayaya, Captain cone head, Nkwobi, Dog eat dog, Luciano AKA Don Chi, Elephant woman, Stamina man, etcetera etcetera . And my all time favorite one 'Dog wonder'! 🙌

My sister has a heart of gold. She's beautiful in and out and she's a softie to the core! She might bark but she can't bite at all. No liver whatsoever 😂! One small disagreement and she would begin to cry. What I don't like though, is she tells family and friends about disagreements /quarrels I have with her . Personally, I do NOT tell anyone about my quarrels with anyone. If you witnessed the quarrel, good for you but I ain't saying nothing to no one. If I have a shouting match with my sister this second and someone asks me the very next second how my sister is, I will reply "she's very well". Imagine me giving an uncle that reply and then he says "but Nicole said you are fighting with her". Chisquare stop it mehn! It's childlike and also, when you do this, it makes me know the quarrel is really paining you.... and I really shouldn't know this fact 😁.

My sister is a jack of all trades and master of none😂😂😂! Loaded in the trunk of her car is every equipment you can think of! Even cans of paint and kitchen utensils! She's a mechanic, chef, seamstress, farmer, cleaner, painter, electrical engineer, barber, you name it! I was in total shock the day I saw her fix something in her car with super glue. Apparently her mechanic couldn't figure out what to do and she didn't feel she needed to buy a new car part.

So, it's my beautiful sister's birthday as you all might have already guessed. I'm saying a big 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to my very beautiful, adorable, extremely hard working, cry-cry sister Nicole with the most beautiful big brown eyes and the most amazing smile, a woman with very big breasts! Sorry, I meant a woman with a very big heart! May all your prayers go from your mouth straight into God's ears! I love you more than you can ever imagine! Have a fantastic day. Mwahhh 😘😘😘
Please, join me to celebrate my amazing sister Nicole.. .


Happy birthday to your sister lol you and her had sister fights I hear that my brothers used to give me all kinds of crap lol

such a lovely post and wow what a wonderful tribute to your sister! you should consider printing this out and giving it to her in a card for her bday present - i think theres nothing that can beat honest writing and reflection about the people we love the most :)

happy birthday to her - i wish you both well

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