in #steemstem7 years ago

"Gregg, wake up, wake up, grrhh, wake up, wake..." "shut up you damn thing" she snorted as she slammed the alarm off and turned back to the other side of the bed to have a better sleep but was jerked back to life by the knock on her door and the voice that followed
"Cindy are you ready?" her mum asked as she entered her room
"oh! Mum, Good morning I'm sorry I slept late yesternight, I was busy packing and preparing my things"
"alright dear, dress up quickly you must not miss your flight" she said and left her room while Cindy rushed to the bathroom to clean up and dress up for her journey
Cindy is the firstborn and first daughter of Williams Family, she is 17 years old and she have two siblings, one brother Jason who is 13 years old and a sister Sally who is 7 years old. Cindy is a bright and intelligent girl who had won various competitions and Awards for her school which makes her famous just like a celebrity, all the teachers and students including principal love her except for few jealous students, now she'd been given scholarship to study abroad in Harvard University and she have to go today.
"Cindy, Cindy... "Roseline called running upstairs towards Cindy's room "what's taking you so long?"
"I'm ready"
"alright" Roseline said and hugged Cindy "I'll miss you Cindy"
"I'll miss you too Roseline' Cindy replied patting Roseline's back
Cindy and Roseline are childhood and best friends, they attended the same elementary and high school. Unlike Cindy, Roseline is a dull girl in elementary school Cindy is the one that always protect and defend her especially from being bullied.
"Girls" Mr Williams called from the living room
"yes dad, we're coming" Cindy shouted happily, they disengaged from their long embrace and rushed down to the living room
"good morning Dad" Cindy and Roseline greeted
"morning girls, how was your night?"
"that's good to hear. So, are you fully prepared?" he asked facing Cindy
"yes Dad"
"that's my girl, come on let's go"
"to where?" Mrs Williams chipped in standing with arm akimbo
"oh! Yeah, I almost forget but time is not on our side, maybe we should do that in the car"
"alright dear"
They all got into the car except Jason and Sally who are in school......
(Nigeria...... At the airport)
"I hope you still remember everything I told you yesterday" Mrs Williams broke the silence they've been maintaining as they waited for their booked flight "yes mum, I shall never forget" Cindy replied feeling uncomfortable as she think of how dangerous it will be staying alone in an unknown country where her mum wouldn't be there to pet and advise her, her dad wouldn't be there to encourage and help her, her siblings wouldn't be there to accompany and play with her, finally her best friend wouldn't be there to reason with her and cheer her up whenever she's moody, suddenly she feel like all of them should be given the scholarship but it's not possible "it wouldn't be easy to live without these people" she thought feeling distressed and unhappy about the scholarship for the first time,she thought of rejecting the scholarship but she knew her parents wouldn't tolerate that, it's rare to have this kind of scholarship.
"don't worry, everything will be alright" her father said smiling as if he can read her thoughts "oh dad,do you know what I'm thinking?" she asked startled, Mr Williams nodded and she continued "I don't know how my life will be over there without you all" she said and suddenly burst into tears, Mrs Williams who have been fighting back the tears which have already filled her eyes also joined her daughter, she hugged her and patted her hair "it's alright baby, everything's gonna be fine, Just call me whenever anything get wrong and always share your thoughts with me, okay?" Cindy nodded
Seeing this almost move Roseline to tears, although she knew how strong Cindy had be in school but leaving one's family and friends to a faraway place like this is not a thing someone wouldn't cry about.
"oh! It's time, you shouldn't miss the flight now" Mr Williams said clapping his hands together,Cindy disengage from her mom, embrace her dad and her friend and bade them goodbye "make sure you call me when you get there" Mr Williams instructed her "okay dad" she replied and run up to catch the flight.
Watching Cindy as she depart from them make Mrs Williams burst into tears again, Mr Williams eyes was filled with tears as he had been fighting back the tears since just to act as a man, Roseline covered her mouth with her palm as tears welled up in her eyes, she would surely miss her best friend, she's the only one she can confide in as a friend, Cindy have helped her so much especially in her academics ,all thanks to Cindy, she's no more a dull and lackluster girl that she was again.
"CINDY!!!" she shouted as she waved at the plane which is already in the sky.........
Cindy's POV
I left my parents and friend as I ran up to catch the flight before it take off, without looking back at them again, I'm sure they're already missing me because I'm already missing them too, I boarded the plane and the air hostess collected my boarding pass and show me to my seat, luckily for me my seat was by the window, I could still see my parents, tears filled my eyes as I watched them.
Immediately I noticed something unusual, I could perceive a strange pleasant scent of perfume accomplished with a loud music besides me, I turned around and saw a guy sitting beside me, it seems he's a white guy but his hairdo doesn't confirm that because it's in low cut "maybe he prefer to have it like that" I shrugged.
I stretched my neck trying to have a better look at the music video he's watching but it seems he noticed that and close his laptop "Hi I'm Cindy,nice to meet you" I said smiling as I stretched out my hand for a shake,he turned and looked at me with a bitter expression which undoubtedly means "I'm not interested please?" I withdrew my hand and sighed.
"fasten your belts please" an hair hostess said as the plane took off, Cindy fastened the seat belt around her waist and sighed again "in need of anything?" one of the hostess asked smiling, instead for the white guy to reply, he put on his headphone "arrogant jerk" Cindy murmured and face the hostess "I'll just be okay with a drink"cindy said feeling thirsty but not sure of what to drink "what type of drink?" the hostess asked still smiling "hmm... juice"Cindy replied "what type of juice, orange juice,apple juice... " "orange juice is okay" "which product?" the hostess asked again "any product please" Cindy answered confusedly "in what temperature? Cold, warm..." the hostess asked again "Cold one is alright " she replied "alright, should I just bring it like that or....." "that's okay, just bring ordinary water" "which product?" the hostess asked "any" Cindy snapped "cool or warm" "cool" Cindy snapped again "in a glass cup, mug..." "okay" Cindy chipped in "hold your drink, am no more interested" "what do you mean?" the hostess asked confused "I said go"Cindy replied almost shouting.
"it's alright Cindy, let's endure it cause everything will be fine" she thought as she rest back on the chair, sighed and close her eyes....
[at the airport in USA]
It seems all the "missing" emotions are partly gone now, thanks to the air hostess and the arrogant jerk, Cindy yawned and stretched herself as she alighted from the plane, she started looking around observing the difference between Nigerians Airport and the American Airport, the Nigerian people and the American people, "Everything's so different" she sighed moving around the airport to give her curiosity better satisfaction.
She saw many people as she move around ,most of them are white people while few are either black or brown, she stopped as she spotted a woman weeping as she hugged her daughter, it seems her daughter is traveling out, the memories of how her parents and friends had departed came back to her, she could recall how her mother had hugged her with tears and her father.... "OMG! Dad asked me to call him whenever I arrived" she snapped her fingers and bring out her phone but sighted something as she was trying to make the call.
A woman probably at her late thirties or early forties was making a call, she'd left her bag where she was sitting earlier and she was stretching her neck, maybe trying to check on something, she couldn't notice the two guys at her back but Cindy could see them, they've successfully picked something from the woman's bag but the woman still didn't notice.
Cindy was standing on a spot watching the whole drama as it goes "this is unbelievable" she snapped shaking her head, she could see the guys as they shook their hands together, it seems they were happy that their plan was successful but no one could see their faces due to the hood they were putting on "what should I do?"Cindy asked herself looking around to know if anybody might be watching but it seems nobody is, Cindy is left in a dilemma, either to help or overlook it.....
"I can't do this" Cindy said, moving on with her bag but stopped again "I can't let this go"she said and pointed to the thieves "catch them, they're thieves",She shouted as she ran after them,seeing this some people called the police while some joined her as she ran after them,
Few minutes later, the police joined them and they were able to catch one of them while the other guy escaped,the guy was searched and the woman's purse was found in his trouser,Cindy collected the purse without bothering to look at the thief's face and give it to the woman "oh my goodness! it's my purse"she exclaimed and opened the purse to confirm if anything's not missing in it.
"thank you, thank you so much" "hope everything in it is complete" Cindy asked the woman "yeah, thank you so much" the woman said staring at Cindy's face "how could I repay you"she contributed smiling amidst tears "it's okay just be careful next time" Cindy replied and left the woman, she stopped as she sighted the white guy (the guy who was sitting beside her in the plane) coming towards her direction "Arrogant jerk" she murmured and pace out of the stage.
The thief watch her with hatred as she was leaving "I'll let you pay for this, you fucking bitch!" the thief snorted as he was taken away by the polices......
Cindy got to the school (Harvard University) through the directions she sought from a passerby, went to the Dean's office to fill all the necessary forms she's supposed to, after that her room's number in the girls hostel was given to her, on her way to the room her phone rang and she brought it out to check it, she gasped on seeing the person calling her, it was her dad....
"hello dad"
"hello my girl, how have you been?"
"I'm fine dad"
"have you get there?"
"yes, humm probably I was thinking of calling you whenever I get to my room in the hostel but I'm on my way there, right now"
"okay dear, how's everything over there?"
"Everything's so cool and nice"
"that's good, Mom will like to speak with you"
"hello mum"
"hello my baby, how are you?"
" I'm splendid mum"
"wow, that's good to hear but I'm seriously worried o"
Cindy chuckles and replied
"alright mum, don't be worried, I'm seriously alright"
"are you sure? Hope nothing's wrong"
Cindy became silent on remembering the incident at the airport, it's obvious that she was battling with the thought in her mind, either to tell her mum or not........
"hello dear,are you there?"
"oh! Mum, I'm fine, I told you I'm seriously fine"
"remember I told you to always share your thoughts and problems with me"
"yeah mum, I know, everything's just fine"she lied
She knew her mom would scold her if she tell her what happened, she have warned her to always mind her business and stop poking her nose into other people's business.......
"alright dear, if you say so"
"okay mum, bye and extend my regards to Jason and Sally" she hanged up the call and sighed but was pushed to the ground by someone who seems to be rushing to a place "hey! you mannerless nut, why wouldn't you use your eyes while walking" she shouted at the guy who walked back and bend down as if to help but replied back with a harsh voice and frightening expression "oh poor you, and why will you stand on the road everybody's supposed to pass through" Cindy squeezed her face, closed her eyes and opened it again, although the expression might be frightening but the face is handsome and familiar ,including the scent of the perfume "oh!" she exclaimed as she snapped her finger and pointed at the guy "you, arrogant jerk",the guy smirked and resume his race to wherever he was going to.
"what a stupid coincidence again"she murmured as she parked her books that fell from her backpack, she noticed a hand helping her to park the books and looked up "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help" the young lady said smiling as she noticed Cindy's confused expression "oh! It's nothing, I mean thanks" Cindy said a bit relieved "the pleasure is mine" the lady replied as she gave her books and extended her hands for a shake "my name is Angelina, nice meeting you" "my name is Cindy nice meeting you too" Cindy replied as she offered the handshake "are you a new student here?" Angelina asked "yes, I am and that's my room over there"cindy replied pointing at the room "you mean that room over there?"Angelina asked pointing at the same room "yeah, sure" Cindy replied "wow, that means we're roommate" Angelina replied almost laughing "really?" Cindy asked wide eyed "yeah, come let's go" she collected Cindy's traveling bag and move forward while Cindy stood there speechless wondering the type of girl Angelina is "what are you waiting for?, come on let's go" Angelina said as she beckon on Cindy "oh yeah, uhmm, I mean you are such a nice being and thank you" Angelina smiled and they both left for their room.

Thanks for Reading............... Watch out for Episode 2.........


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