Species in Extinction Help us to take care of them and protect them

in #steemstem6 years ago

Species extinction:

A species is extinct when there is no specimen on the planet of this type of living being, it is a natural phenomenon of biological evolution, when a species is about to become extinct and is not capable of creating a new generation extinction is inevitable, although it is not considered extinct until the last of the specimens is dead and in some cases they are not able to adapt to a changing environment or to the congeners that compete for food.
There are multiple causes of extinction that can contribute directly or indirectly to the disappearance of a species or group of taxa, for which it is grouped into one of these three categories:

  • Critically endangered species.
  • Endangered species.
  • Threatened species.

Source      Alert: Will the Earth suffer a new mass extinction of species?

Estimates of extinction of species are very complicated and experts calculate that the normal background rate (the extinction recorded as average over the last 60 million years) is 0.1 extinctions per million species per year. On the contrary, the current extinction rate is more of the order of 100 extinctions per million species per year. Extinction rates of current species are a thousand times higher than natural rates of extinction, and future extinction rates are likely to be 10,000 times higher in the medium term than normal, some species that survive for hundreds of millions of years are known as living fossils.
Approximately 66 million years ago there was a mass extinction on the planet known as the Cretaceous - Paleogene mass extinction, in which about 75% of the existing biological genera were lost (including dinosaurs and a large number of aquatic reptiles). and flying).

Source                   Environment; extinction of species, more urgent than climate change?

Why are species extinct:

Since there have always been species that have ceased to exist, such as dinosaurs and mammoths, the difference is that the species would disappear due to natural causes and are currently due to human causes. Imbalances in ecosystems, the destruction of areas where there is only one plant or animal in the world, excessive hunting and fishing, and at inappropriate times, for example in periods of hatchlings, the trade in furs and ivory, and the current fashion of having exotic animals as domestic ...... are causing species, which because of human beings, we can not see anywhere in the world.

The main causes of extinction of animal species are:

  • The loss of habitat.
  • Illegal hunting and fishing.
  • Illegal commerce.
  • Contamination.
  • Ecological disasters.

How to avoid the extinction of the species?

  • Prohibit hunting and fishing of animals.
  • Avoid deforestation.
  • Create protected areas and natural reserves.
  • Avoid pollution.
  • Do not buy or have as pets endangered species.


Furtivism or poaching is the capture of animals that are permanently protected or only in times when hunting is prohibited. It is an illegal activity that moves a lot of money because the pieces that are hunted are sold at high value in the market.


            Source            You have to save them from extinction

Cruel tastes and hobbies:

It is amazing that animals are killed just to get parts of their body so they are infatuated some humans, deer, reindeer and animals with antlers are hunted just by hanging their antlers on the walls and presume them as trophies. The gorillas were captured a few years ago, because they became fashionable and dried their hands and used as ashtrays. As always, fans of ivory have driven the hunting of elephants for their tusks and lately hunting for rhinoceros, only for its horn. Exotic foods, such as frogs' legs and turtle soup, are also becoming fashionable.

In the Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, in the oceans, rivers and lakes we have to try to save and protect the species that need protection and that are threatened and in danger of extinction. According to the International Union for the conservation of nature each year between 10000 and 50000 species are extinguished

Source                We are heading for a new extinction of species





This is a call of action, i believe. A movement had begun in various parts of the world, particularly the europe in order to curb the various outrageous crave for some animal parts, such as their furs for clothing or leathers.

I think it is essential for us all to know that the more we crave for materials such as leathers (for shoes, clothes or shoes) the more animals are hunted for them. So wr should curb our own desires as best as we can so as to ensure that we are playong our part to prevent the extinction of some animals as a result.

I think one of the most depressing things is the lost of a life, even more when it is about a whole species that is dying.

I agree that we should protect animals that are close to extinction, but we should go even further, and save their genetic code so perhaps in the future, if they go extinct, we might be able to replicate them and bring them back to life.

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