The beetle (Coleopterous)#22

in #steemstem5 years ago

Greetings partners of the community of steemit, welcome again to my blog, where he can find content to the wide universe of the science, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, philosophy and the general accompanied knowledge of the scientific publication, specially greetings to the community of #steemstem.

Continuing with the work of investigation and photographic papers of the small natural world and of other spaces, we have the insect the beetle (Coleopterous), it is a very singular insect, since they present a big scale of morphologic diversity and these can be located in any habitat, it is a type of very ancient insect, since they found fossil record of this variety even inside the Egyptian culture, also big part of Asia, the fascinating of this insect they are identified for having a pair of wings of a hard structure and that it protects to other wings, as part of his exoesqueleto.

For whom they it did not know the insect the ladybird is a species of beetle but of tiny dimensions, additional to that one it is necessary to know the following thing, for this order of insects, where the coleopterous ones are herbivorous, many species can constitute plagues of the farmings, in his phase of larvas, for other species checkers of others are a plague of an ecological way, since you praise pulgones and other similar insects, including parasites, inside the beetle finds the following groups: Polyphaga, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Archostemat.

What more I like of this investigation is that he can observe the characteristic of this insect, which looks like a species of body reinforced as a tank of war, also it presents the following thing where his body is divided in three parts: head, thorax and abdomen., it is possible to identify him that type presents in his head his pair of antennas, a pair of eyes and his systematic mouth device masticador, that serves as a devourer of matter.

Another interesting contribution on the beetle, is that he contributes to the ecosystem of a positive way, of the following way partners, considering to the larvas and his adults' state to many species contributes to the prosecution of the substratum, which serves as a form of recycling of nutrients, for es important at level of the elements in the networks tróficas.

They will wonder as this fantastic insect is reproduced, they reproduce almost always in a sexual way; where the females liberate feromona to attract the males for the matching, then the female looks for a place adapted to deposit his dozens or hundreds of eggs.

Due to his big variety of species of beetles, some of them devour dead animals, other flowers and vegétale, also other insects, it is for it that these insects possess a big capacity of adaptation, for it that they can find in varied types of habitats.

This work of investigation and papers photographic was realized by the camera of my J4 of models of cellular Samsung, in the way of HD.

[1] — Atlas of the beetles of Mexico: Families Scarabaeidae, for Miguel Angel Morón Ríos, 2003.

[2] — Beetles for Grace Hansen, 2014.


Greetings @newton666 that good work and very good photography on the beetle, is very useful your contributed information.

Thanks for your support and you comments @omegarojo827

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