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RE: Principles of Scientific Research in Egyptology

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

I am originally a Physicist (worked 5 years as a researcher in academia for my PhD and postdoc in end 90s, beg 00s). I couldn't agree more with what you are writing. imho, Intuition is actually triggered by the unconscious brain synthetising various experiences and providing a deduction. This deduction, the unexplained reason why that way to go seems interesting, is what is called intuition. It is also a very close cousin to creativity.

I do believe thus, that intuition and creativity are fundamental ingredients to the generation of new ideas and research directions. So, to have a valuable intuition, one needs to experience, leading back to your article and your field. Egyptologist shoudl definitely impregnate themselves with Egypt and stay there for extended periods of time!


Thank you so much for your comment. Indeed intuition is very close to creativity. And this is driving us to create and discover our world.

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