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RE: Human Augmentation: [Blurring Out The Line Separating Biology And Technology]

in #steemstem7 years ago

What i am trying to say is that, there is a particular ideology that governs the decision made by the technocratic elite. this ideology is one of control. there is nothing inherently wrong with the technology, all i am saying is they will obviously use it to further their own objectives. To think that they have your best interest at heart, even with a fundamental understanding of human nature is naive. Do your homework


" technocratic elite."... this is a new made up concept? Sorry but this is just made-up lol. Illuminati stuff

Let us agree to disagree

@tfcoates If you cannot see the point @manofmiracles is making, then i don't see the analytical prowess you're trying to prove you have.

I can see the point he's trying to make, I can also see it's based on nothing but a fundamental misunderstanding of how the world works. There is a stark difference between these.

At what point was anyone here trying to 'prove' anything. Stop trying to force conflict mate.

@tfcoates I'm sorry, what misunderstanding are you talking about here? From my observation, the only one who seems to have a misunderstanding is you. I saw your replies to other people's comments advocating Transhumanism. Whether you don't understand the implications of this existential threat to Humanity, or whether you're pushing the idea on purpose, which i think you are, because i don't see how just anyone would take the pains to push this idea so much, taking the liberty to leave replies doing just that in the comment section; my stand on you is the same. I will not allow you to further perpetuate this extremely dangerous narrative of yours, trying to convince people that this is a natural development and something beneficial to Humanity! I promise to drag this out with you if you continue to write such here any longer! Try me! #freespeech #standforhumanity #rejecttranshumanism #saynototranshumanism #transhumanismisevil #transhumanismiscorruption #saynotomicrochips #freedomfighter #humanityisfree #killuminati #deathtocorruption #exposecorruption #liberationforhumanity

"existential threat to Humanity" lol. You seem to have confused progress with some delusional fear you have of losing your freedom.

I leave replies because my opinion is that progress is a good thing. Fuck staying 'natural' cancer is natural, so are botox and anthrax and 80% infant mortality rates.

"try me!" lol you've tagged "killiluminati" and "freespeech". Do you just love feeling embattled or do you actually believe this crap?

@tfcoates, your opinion on this issue is bred of ignorance, whether you agree or not, that is a fact. You have completely fallen for the great lie that Organics are weak. Take a look at history and see how our mortality rate has increased steadily from the time of our earliest ancestors. The seeming weakness of Organics is an artificially created phenomenon. Newly created diseases, HAARP technology, Chemtrails, GMO's, vaccinations, prescription drugs, polluted water, toxic food, encouragement of unhealthy lifestyles, to name a few of the reasons people are so weak and practically dead in some cases nowadays. All of which are backed with credible evidence you can see for yourself. Yes, i do believe in all this, because i know they are true. I will never back down in relentlessly attacking corrupt people, practises and mindsets whenever i see them. "Nature is weak" this could not be farther from the truth. If everyone quits whining about life and take responsibility for their own health, then that won't be an existing opinion. The simple solution :"Improve your lifestyle!" I am not here to entertain anyone by spreading information for the sake of being sensational, much less to prove that i am smarter than anyone. I am simply and genuinely standing up for my Human family and only and will only make actions for our benefit and that of all Creation. So, fuck being artificial! Fuck transhumanism! and improving your lifestyle, in all areas, is the only and sure way to go, by utilizing all the great and wonderful gifts and powers of Nature and the Natural World which we are and always will remain a part of!

#freespeech #killuminati #exposecorruption #saynotocorruption #natureisgreat #natureispowerful #embracenature #embracethenaturalworld #sayyestonature #standforhumanity #standwithcreation #humanityispowerful #humanityisfree

"Take a look at history and see how our mortality rate has increased steadily from the time of our earliest ancestors." - where do you get this from? We have been living longer every centuray for ages, with the dark ages being the only exception!

You've really fallen for all the conspiray theories haven't you... I was chatting with a mate about why people do this the other day, perhaps you can enlighten me...

Do you feel there's some huge conspiracy because you feel you should be further in life than you are now? (As a way to explain away personal failures?)


Do you believe in conspiracy theories because a massive evil force is the only way you can explain the unfairness of the world? (to account for and counter-react a 'good' diety)

@tfcoates First off, we Humans from this planet lived much longer in the distant past. Our lifespan HAS been reduced owing to varying factors since then. There is too much evidence to back this claim up, ( i will write a post on this, for anyone who doesn't know yet). Everything i say is grounded in reality. I make no claims to anything i do not know of a surety is true. My knowledge is not based on a bunch of "conspiracy theories", it is backed by first-hand experiences and credible sources of information. I know on all levels that i am correct and do not need validation from any external force. As for the last part of your comment, i know, and you know deep down that we are all supposed to be farther in life than we are now as a collective of Humanity. I know everything wrong with the world, and this is not based off of the flimsy explanations given by dogmatic religion or fake science. This i can explain because my understanding is wholesome, charged with emotion but backed by logic.

#freespeech #spreadthetruth #thirstforknowledge #exposecorruption #artificialsareweak #questionoldideals #humanityispowerful #humanityisfree #connectwithcreation

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