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RE: Sex Drive: Fantasy Sex Is Where To Find Id

in #steemstem6 years ago

Fantastic post, sir!

Yes, sex workers might initially go into the field because of a stronger-than-average sex drive; but the specific things they do, and the frequency with which they do them, are probably not reflective of their desires: they probably wouldn't be doing those things if no money was involved. Tabulating their sex acts, then, wouldn't give you an accurate measure of their honest-to-God sex drive.

Having been in an around the sex industry for 2 decades (my then girlfriend introduced me to it, the corruptor!lol), I would disagree witht he the premise 'if no money was invovled'.
From the circles I knew of (films and escorting mostly), it was an extension of their tastes, and not a compromise, (many many times, but not always).

It's interesting what you say about 'romantics'...

..... It's still true to say though, if we consider all studies together, that men want to experience sex with more partners overall compared to women, and that's of course fertile ground for conflict.

While I think this is true, I don't think it has to fertile ground for conflicts - if you are in an emotionally mature relationship.

I'm not the stereotypical male to really compare of course, but I'm a romantic, and I'm definitely a 'one woman one man' type of guy - but equally the male sex drive doesn't go away, and to satisfy both parts it quite easy - if you are strong enough to be honest (which I am, annoyingly. lol.)
I let it be known that 'my heart is their's' , but my cock is my own!
While sounding shallow, it's actually not. I can't imagine lying to my partner, and I can't imagine not have sex with whoever I feel like.

True , it leads to some very short lived relationships, because of insecurities, but equally the long term relationships I've had, have been very mature, becuase they know who I am, and I'm being me.
(how can you be in relationship, and not want your partner to be themselves? Weird.)
They also know I'm not looking to place my heart anywhere else, I'm very emotionally monogamous.
'Sexual playtime', is just games for adults... but many people cannot grasp that concept or do not believe their partners words...

Great post, again!
definitely followed -


Interesting input since you're part of the industry! But that's the high class part of the industry, I think, the way you described it. But, still, if the sex researcher asks questions like 'how many people have you had sex with in the last month?', imagine the difference between people who do it for a living (for money), and the same person if he did it only naturally.

I'm not the stereotypical male to really compare of course, but I'm a romantic, and I'm definitely a 'one woman one man' type of guy - but equally the male sex drive doesn't go away, and to satisfy both parts it quite easy - if you are strong enough to be honest (which I am, annoyingly. lol.)

I totally identify with this part! I'm ambivalent about the part that follows. I consider it a big problem in our societies. I don't know how it'll be solved. Clearly polygamy has been tried and failed. Monogamy also doesn't work given all the cheating and divorce rates. So I don't know what that leaves us with! Perhaps in the future we'll just be having sex in a virtual reality that feels very real, with virtual entities...!

(how can you be in relationship, and not want your partner to be themselves? Weird.)

I often say something similar in reverse: how can you be in a relationship and not be 100% honest with your partner? Whatever "love" you gain will be a love directed toward an imaginary person, not you. So I don't know what pretenders think they're gaining from this.

'Sexual playtime', is just games for adults... but many people cannot grasp that concept or do not believe their partners words...

Well this has ethical issues, I think, besides trust. (Regarding trust, do you extend the same rights to your partner?) The ethical issues are whether it's okay to just have sex with someone in order to get rid of some purely animal urges, while not caring about these people emotionally at all, and being 100% emotionally devoted to your partner. I can imagine you placating your partner's concerns, for instance, by saying things like "Honey, she meant nothing to me, you know that. Just a cum-bucket, Melinda was for me. Oh, it's Cecilia? See, I don't even remember her name! She could get killed in a car accident tomorrow and it wouldn't make my emotional world an emptier place for all I know."

I'm exaggerating, but you get the point!

Very happy to have you as a follower! I'll check your blog tmr since I fulfilled my steemit quota for today! D


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