Health Talk. What really causes some ulcers?

in #steemstem6 years ago


Helicobacter pylori

Recently a family member got sick and had all sorts of weird symptoms.

At first it looked like common "acid reflux" with the heart burns and bloating and and a feeling of indigestion.

So! Using my helper, a book called WHERE THERE IS NO DOCTOR I looked up the symptoms and suggested she eat less oily foods, pepper , chocolate products ,not OVER EAT and take some antacids.

The bloating left but the heart burn remained. This is where we started getting worried.

So I decided to ask a few questions about her daily routine.

The results were that She had been eating contaminted food in addition she was a perpetual finger biter!

Don't worry you will soon see the significance.

Through out the year people have always taught ulcers were caused by not eating wel and eating "pepprish" food.

But now there is ground breaking evidence that a bacteria called :Helicobacter pylori is very much also responsible.



Research from the #mayoclinic #institute # of #health and many others have carried out tests and found out that most ulcer patients have this bacteria inside them.

Activities of the bacteria results in the production of corrosive enzymes that DEGRADE the soft lining of the intestines.


The good news is that like most gut bacteria, H. Pylori can be treated with antibiotics, but to achieve optimum results, a combination of two antibiotics is used, such as : #amoxicillin and #clathromycin along with acid reducing drugs like# omneprazole .



So the next time you wanna eat out or bite your nails shortly after a bowel movement; DO BE CAREFUL, 'COS AN ULCER COULD BE LINGERING AROUND THE CORNER.



Helicobacter pylori has rather interesting story. The bacteria was proving rather difficult to prove the claim that H pylori causes ulcers. To prove this Barry Marshall, drank the H. pylori culture and gave himself ulcers. Well he later did get a Nobel Prize in 2005 for it.

However, this started a debate between those who thought that stress causes ulcers and those who thought it did not. While it was shown by some studies that stress alone can cause ulcers, it was also shown that stress rather makes gastric environment for causative agent H pylori to inhibit stomach (Guo et al., 2009). This bacteria is rather very interesting.

So the next time you wanna eat out or bite your nails shortly after a bowel movement; DO BE CAREFUL, 'COS AN ULCER COULD BE LINGERING AROUND THE CORNER.

What about the 80% of infected people whom do not get ulcers?

I believe it's just a matter of time...

Except they don't get ulcers.

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