Let's Talk About The Spirit Molecule

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)


The Psychedelic Experience (License: Public Domain]: Pixabay

I have heard of numerous testimonies about visions and manifestations that occur during near-death experiences. The light at the end of the tunnel, communication with a higher being, sightings of elves and dwarfs and even angelic beings. Most people see it as plausible representations of the afterlife and while I am not here to argue or support that, I will like to tell you what science has to say about these occurrences.

In my previous article, I mentioned the role of melatonin in the induction of sleep, a function ultimately controlled by the circadian rhythm. This hormone (melatonin) and serotonin, which is responsible for keeping us awake and metabolic active, are secreted by the pineal gland and the raphe nuclei (found in the brainstem) respectively. As a consequence of reading, I stumbled upon a new molecule, a psychedelic in proper terms, which is synthesized by the body.

Naturally, it would not make sense for the body to synthesize a substance that will only alter its state of consciousness but in this case, the body does so. Matter of fact, this psychedelic substance can easily cross the blood brain barrier going on to buttress how vital it is to the body. I will therefore like to introduce you to;

N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): The Spirit Molecule.

The Spirit Molecule (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Author: Adam001d]: Wikicommons

DMT, a substance produced as a consequence of the metabolism of tryptophan (an amino acid), has been known to induce hallucinations. This substance is synthesized in plants and animals and shares structural features with serotonin and melatonin. In plants, it is considered an alkaloid and is widely seen in plant species like the Mimosa teniflora and Psychotria viridis. It is the strongest hallucinogen known to man so it is of little wonder that it is a highly controlled substance in many countries like USA, Russia, France, e.t.c. It is however allowed for research purposes albeit under rigid supervision. Even as a controlled substance, it is constantly being used for recreational purposes (illegally) and it has a suggested use in religious ceremonies.

Biosynthesis of Psilocybin with DMT as an Intermediary Product (License: Public Domain]: Wikicommons

A systematic look at its production in the body and plants alike shows that its main precursor is tryptophan. While tryptophan is produced in plants via the shikimate pathway (a pathway for the synthesis of essential amino acids in plants and microorganisms), mammals, on the other hand, have to derive tryptophan by consuming plants in diet. Tryptophan loses its carboxyl (COOH) group to yield tryptamine. This step is catalyzed by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC). Tryptamine receives a methyl group from a general methyl group donor; S-adenosylmethionine to form N-methyltryptamine. A reaction catalyzed by a methyltransferase enzyme. This step is repeated again to yield N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT has been hypothesized to be synthesized in the human brain (the pineal gland specifically) since little amounts were found in the brains of rats in a study carried out in 2013.

The Third Eye and Its Involvement in Psychospiritual Experiences.

The Pineal Gland a.k.a The Third Eye (License: Public Domain]: Wikicommons

When I mention the third eye, I am not on about some secret organization belief or any of that. I am particularly referring to the pineal gland which has been widely hypothesized to be involved in psychospiritual experiences. The pineal gland is generally called the third eye cause it is hypothesised that it once possessed the features of a typical eye (cornea, lens and retina) but as a consequence of evolution, it moved to deep parts of the brain. It is widely believed that the pineal gland via the production of DMT is somewhat responsible for the hallucinations observed during near death experiences. The pineal gland is thought to secrete DMT in an attempt to save dying cells since oxygen levels drop drastically and the resultant consequence is a hallucinating experience.

A 1990 experiment carried out by Dr. Rick Strassman saw administer DMT to over 60 patients and the results were solely based on personal experience. All patients admitted to have encountered strange beings, heard strange voices and felt connected to a super-intelligent being. While personal experience which cannot be measured quantitatively or qualitatively does not hold much validity in science, the reports went on to strengthen Dr. Strassman’s hypothesis of DMT being secreted during sleep, near death experiences and even during death. The 2013 experiment which confirmed the presence of DMT in the pineal gland of rats gave Strassman’s hypothesis some validity.

So How Does DMT Cause Hallucinations ?

Hallucination (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Author: Prof. Dr. Mario Markus]: Wikicommons

DMT is actually, in reality, a competitive agonist of serotonin. This means it competes with serotonin for serotonin receptors. Binding of DMT to serotonin receptors (The 5-HT2A receptors specifically) makes these receptors to be hypersensitive to serotonin binding. This means that the receptors for serotonin now bind serotonin and faster and much more than they would without the binding of DMT. This causes the crossing over of senses. In that you can literally smell and taste colors, and even see sounds (amazing right ?). This manifests as hallucinations. Practically, your reality is altered and you can see and feel things that are not there as if they were actually there. This what happens when you take DMT orally, intravenously or via any route.

But Is It the Same Case for Endogenously Produced DMT ?

Agonist, Inverse Agonist and Antagonist (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Author: Lybbar123]: Wikicommons

At this point, a curious mind will wonder why we do not stay hallucinating if the body continuously synthesizes DMT albeit in minute amounts. Well, all thanks to a special enzyme; Monoamine oxidase, we do not have to stay ‘trippy’ all our lives (though I would personally love to xD). This enzyme stays oxidizing DMT reducing its potency and efficacy drastically. This is the reason DMT ‘trips’ do not last more than 7 minutes. But DMT pills could be combined with monoamine oxidase inhibitors to extend the period of hallucination or alternatively, the dose of DMT could be stepped up drastically to exceed the enzyme concentration so the monoamine oxidase enzyme cannot effectively metabolise all of them. The ultimate result is DMT maintaining its hallucinogenic effect.

Why Do People Choose to Get High on DMT Anyway ?

(License: Public Domain]: Pixabay

First of all, staying sober is boring. This is in no way to support substance abuse but most people take drugs recreationally to escape reality for a lot of reasons. This reasons could range from attempting to tackle depression to trying to forget hurtful experiences.
DMT being a spirit molecule is believed to be taken during rituals to confer psychospiritual experiences on people (please this is not a scientific fact) as a means to connect to a higher being. Well, it is important to note that these people most likely just have their realities distorted and proceed to conclude they have communicated with their maker or god. Hilarious I will say.
The psychedelic experience is believed to be a useful method in the realisation of self. People tend to take DMT so they go on these experiences in an attempt to see beyond the realities of life and maybe have a better understanding of life. Quite therapeutic I will say.

Final Thoughts

DMT has been termed the spirit molecule due to its ability to induce unimaginable psychedelic experiences. It has been suggested to be responsible for visions and manifestations observed during near death experiences. It is widely known as the strongest hallucinogen known to man with a very rapid onset and incredibly short duration of action. Are near death experiences true manifestations of life after death or are there consequences of over secretion of DMT ? Well, science has had its say.


Psychedelic Drug Could Explain Our Belief Life After Death. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.
How Is The DMT Molecule Created Naturally In The Human Body.
Do Our-Brains Produce Dmt And If So Why. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.
DMT. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.
DMT: You Cannot Imagine a Stranger Drug or a Stranger Experience. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.
9 Things You Need To Know About DMT. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.
MOA of DMT. Retrieved on June 7th, 2018.

Image Sources
All images are licensed under creative commons and eligible for commercial use.

I'm a proud member of the steemstem community which promotes quality posts in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields on the steem blockchain mainly through interaction and engagement. Feel free to join us on discord here


DMT being a spirit molecule is believed to be taken during rituals to confer psychospiritual experiences on people (please this is not a scientific fact) as a means to connect to a higher being

Just when I was about to be wowed
That a drug can actually take us to a spiritual realm lol now
Sadly it’s not a fact

Lol. It’s a hypothesis so it could be correct in the future. It just needs more data to support it.

Wow. They actually theorized that pineal gland was embedded deep in the brain while it has functions like the third eye. This info is new! I hope people don’t abuse DMT as hallucinogens are dangerous especially while driving.

Yeah I hope so. Yep, I was also shocked to find out that information too tbh.

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A drug in connection to spirituality? Science won't kill us... lol.
Well, I would want to believe this but, hehe....

Drugs actually can make one hallucinate reason been that they Interfer with the rational state and cognitive part of humans.

Science is just going gaga this days...this is really interesting. Will do further research on this ☺

Great post bro👍

Thanks man. Yes, science is breaking boundaries

Taking those kind of drugs definitely shows you that 'reality' is a bit more subjective than you thought. I agree it could be therapeutic by helping you to see things in a different way or escape something. But yes you could get in trouble if you think your hands turning blue is God trying to tell you something!

But yes you could get in trouble if you think your hands turning blue is God trying to tell you something!

Lmao this is hilarious on all levels.
And yes, escaping reality could be therapeutic.

An informative article king bro. Didnt know much about DMTs. Now I think this drug has to be controlled. The amusing hallucination can attract people of using it regularly.
Good one, cheers bro.

Thanks man. Yes man, it needs to stay controlled

It always baffles me, why some of these drugs are even created in the first place by so many of our pharmaceutical companies. The very clinical functions of some of these drugs are supposedly obtained in more safer and medically recommended alternatives. Yet, so many of these weird derivatives and synthetic enhancers and inducers keep getting pumped into the drug market. Quite mind-boggling, I must admit.
Now there is spirit molecule (DMT)....Lolz.
Who knows what the next revolutionary drug would actually accomplish. Great post @kingabesh, and thanks for sharing.

What amazes me most is how you are able to effortlessly relate almost anything at all to Biochemistry. It's almost 'conjuring' i must say!

Intriguing post man @kingabesh.

LOL thanks man. I see what you did there 😎

Good info, so hard to convey to those who've made up their mind based on biased reading and lack (or fear?) of preconceived notions inconsistent with one's everyday experience. I would emphasize dose-response arguments. Many opposed to alternative pharmacological agents are ignoring the effect of dosage. I'm sure many understand that a low dose of a particular agent might have beneficial effects, but popular bias wrongly associates "consumption" with "intoxication." Micro dosing may have benefits, whereas the illicit and abused substances may present legitimate health concerns. "Moderation in everything, and everything in the proper quantitative context."
If one chooses to use one-or-two puffs of Cannabis for medical treatment, that does not necessarily mean they are "stoned." Likewise, if one partakes in wine during religious ceremonies, it doesn't mean they are "drunk" when they kneel at the pew.

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