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RE: Sex Drive: Fantasy Sex Is Where To Find Id

in #steemstem6 years ago

Wow! You did an amazing job here!

Over a lifetime, women wanted 2.7 (it's nice to see they don't mind dating handicapable people).

At this point, I started laughing out loud :D

Hmm, more than 2 partners, but less than 3. Women never know what they want, don't they :D

I think it's important, because it would seem to imply that women view themselves as objects of sexual desire just as men view them as the objects of their sexual desire. So a woman, in a sense, and surely to the consternation of many a feminist (myself included), objectifies herself.

I was just thinking "Oh, at least here we are on the same page" when your thoughts about the objectifying of women slapped me in the face. Oh, God, what a feminist I am?!

Jokes aside. I remember an article I read about monogamy and polygamy in birds and mice. It turns out that monogamous birds and mice have more oxytocin receptors than the polygamous.

Actually, humans can differ in the number of oxytocin receptors as well. Moreover, this is one of the explanations of autism occurrence.

So, it may turn out that one must only find their oxytocin match who also wants 2.7 sexual partners :D


when your thoughts about the objectifying of women slapped me in the face


Interesting about the oxytocin. About autism, you mean they have more oxytocin receptors too? Or less?

Less, actually. You can check some studies here, here and here.

Maybe you are familiar with this, but simply put, oxytocin is the hormone which attaches humans/animals to each other. It is extremely important during pregnancy, labor and breastfeeding. Actually, it is the hormone which induces labor and makes possible the secretion of mother's milk. Furthermore, it is the hormone which is responsible for maternal behavior.

It secretes during sex and physical touch. It aims to make the couple attached to each other so that they can stay together and raise the next generation.

Basically, this is the hormone of love. And at the same time, it is "a female-thing". It is extremely important to female's behavior. But I haven't researched further if there is any evidence suggesting that females have more oxytocin receptors than males. If this is so, it is a possible explanation of the results of your research.

P.S. I am not a biologist and the way I explain it is perhaps very silly :D


Yes, I thought maybe cos autistic people get obsessed ("attached") with things/behaviors, they might similarly get obsessed over specific individuals, and so have more oxytocin receptors. But there's also the stereotype of them as cold and calculating, like Affleck's The Accountant movie, so it could go either way.

The way you explain it is good! I read Helen Fisher's Why We Love book many years ago and I think that's when I first became familiar with the importance of oxytocin in relationships and attachment. To a great degree, we really are our hormones!

To a great degree, we really are our hormones!

Yes, indeed!

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