
capitalism is truly advancing humanity isn't it. We are adding in new forms of slavery before getting rid of the old ones, just so we can add a few years onto our borrowed time.

I have read horror stories of people thrown into jail simply because the contractors are looking for the next cash cow. I'm surprised that this system is not criminalised. How do you explain prison for profit? Oh, it is called correctional facility in that it trains and rehabilitates the inmates. That I cannot agree with, most people that go to prison come out more hardened. It is just a cash generating system for those running it!

surprised it is not criminalised? As the rate of profit falls under capitalism new sources of profit are needed to keep the system from collapsing. I would be surprised if this was criminalised, it would just lead to market crashes. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism

That is truly a sad state of affairs. Capitalism sucks. More people are in prison today just to "fill up a quota" for the people running the prisons to turn a profit. Is there any end in sight for such developments?

There are two ends in sight, and we must pick one. Either we can fight for freedom now or wait for our borrowed time to end and simply die off.

The latter alternative is pretty bleak. The former is something doable.

most groups choose the latter. CI actively chooses the former. Join in on the chats more often smh

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