How good can a 30 min walk in nature be?

in #steemstem7 years ago

We live in a busy world and going out in nature can be a difficult and exhausting task for some people because forests are generally far from the city. We'd prefer enclosed spaces but that wasn't the case for our ancestors. In fact, our bodies are built for the wild, we need nature to stay healthy and energized. If you are not convinced yet , maybe this can change your mind.

At the beginning of your walk, you will be exposed to sunlight.Your Retina, an inner layer in the back of your eye, captures light and transfer electric signals via optic nerves to your brain.A specific region called suprachiasmatic nucleus increases serotonin production and decreases melatonin production by the pineal gland.This hormone is responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles, therefore, you feel more aroused and less tired throughout the day.People left in the wild for a couple of days had an improved sleep quality and general well-being suggesting the crucial role of a good circadian rhythm.

Your skin is already absorbing Ultraviolet light and used it for Vitamin D3  production.It's produced photochemically from 7-dehydrocholesterol and activated in the liver and kidney as shown in the photo.

Vitamin D's most important function is increasing calcium absorption and bone production.Also, it's correlated with a better immune response, better cellular regeneration and a reduced inflammation.A meta-analysis was published in 2007 and showed that vitamin D supplementation was associated with significantly reduced mortality(3).Unfortunately, Vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the population worldwide and in severe forms can cause Rickets which is a condition that results in weak or soft bones in children and the main cause is vitamin D deficiency.That's why infants are given vitamin D until the age of 2 due to a lack of solar exposure.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D can be acquired with moderate sun exposure to the face, arms and legs, averaging 10–30 minutes twice per week, or approximately 25% of the time for minimal sunburn exposure.

Did you know that the human eye can detect more shades of green than any other color? This is a protective mechanism to recognize predators in the wild.

Although there's no hard evidence between color vision and internal feelings, many studies suggest that in one hand, the green color is correlated with calm and satisfaction and in the other hand, the red color is correlated with anger and anxiety may be related to blood detection developed as a survival mechanism.The two colors are opposite in the spectrum and this is the reason surgeons wear green scrubs.

What we know for sure is walking in nature regularly increases attention and decision making skills.The national academy of sciences of the USA has found that doing daily walks improves memory by increasing the size of the hippocampus(4).Even a brief walk in nature improves your mental functioning because of the increased oxygen supply to the brain and over time better neural connection.

A study was conducted by Dr. Gregory Bratman and his colleagues trying to figure out the effects of urbanization on people’s moods since more than 70% of the world is expected to live in a large city by the end of 2050.The results were spectacular, those who spend 30 min a day in green spaces are more likely to be positive about the future(5).Another study by Stanford scientists found that regular walking in nature lowers feelings of depression, they called it the natural antidepressant remedy.

The improvement in cognitive functions and happiness is proven over and over by several studies, there's no doubt about it any longer.

A recent technique called earthing(or grounding) consists of walking bare feet for healing effects.A study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health found that grounding improves sleep, reduce chronic inflammation which is a good news for many people who suffer from autoimmune diseases and speed wound healing.

Every second we produce free radicals mainly oxygen atoms deprived of electrons called oxidative stress.They can harm the cell's DNA , alter the membrane and decrease the functions of many proteins.Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E reduce these free radicals by given away electrons.The main hypothesis is that connecting the skin to the Earth enables free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread over and into the body, where they can have antioxidant effects.The last few years grounding is getting more attention from clinicians and researchers because it's simple, natural, and accessible health strategy against chronic inflammations.

Walking in nature also releases endorphins so we become less prone to pain, decreases cardiovascular diseases by up to 60 % associated with lower cholesterol levels, therefore, a potentially longer and healthier life , boosts immune response and finally reduces the risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure.

There are no limits to the benefits of a simple walk in nature so maybe it's time to quit making excuses and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

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I do love having a nice walk once in a while but a lot of times I am just too lazy or don't have time because of work.

Well,at the end it's for your own good.I use it as an escape from work

It's about tricking your own brain then :P

When I was young I used to live on a farm in the country. Now I work and live in the city and the difference is immense. I miss the outdoors and the wide open spaces. At least when I visit home I can still get it. Even the air is noticeably different and you feel better for it.

Tell me about it ..

I love walking every morning...
make me feel healthy...

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