A Journey Into The Future Of Technology 1: [Man Vs Machine]

in #steemstem7 years ago

Technology is expanding, and as it expands; it gives us supernatural powers. The internet, for example, is no longer a mere network of computers with servers, but now, it is a network of things. These are things that know us, and also know what we are doing. But how far can these technological advancements reach? 

We will be looking at an aspect of these advancements.

Man Vs Machines

[Image Credit]

The internet is an intelligence amplifier. Everything we can think in the age of technology is possible. Humans no longer end at the edge of biological tissue; there has now been an extension of who we truly are. Now, we are interconnected, or almost merged with machines.

Believe me, robots are doing more things for us than we even realize in this era of billions of network sensors (this is what we call “internet of things”).

[Image credit]

The merging of a lot of these technologies is definitely going to lead to the first true machine intelligence (this is quite different from artificial intelligence). 

This major issue here is: Would we control these devices, or would they control us?

Humans are good, but with machines, we could be better – Dr D. C. Engelbark (inventor of hyperlink and mouse)

Some have argued that the machines are there to make us more human. That is why it is good to note that the generation of smart devices is almost being replaced by human-integrated machine. This is the machine that will be integrated directly into humankind.

[Image credit]

How will you feel if I walked up to you and request to place a tracking device on you? You will be like “hell no”. But unknowingly, that is what humankind has subscribed to. All thanks to technological advancements. To say we are being watched now is to say the least.

In this our modern world, does the word “privacy” really exist? From the little understanding I have, the word is fast going into oblivion. Every of our devices are watching us, whether we like it or not. And we have assisted them in tracking us with our quest for human-machine integration.

But unlike humans, advances are being made to incorporate integrated learning into robots. This means that when a robot learns a new thing, all other similar robots will know it.

What happens when machines could do everything we can do?

According to Stephen Hawkings: 

That could be the end of the human race.

We should not be convinced in our capabilities to keep an AI’s “genie” vaulted in its bottle. Definitely, it will find expression, and when it does; boom!! They will have an edge over humankind.

AI is set to replace humankind [Elon musk]

I forgot to tell you that a merger of humans with machines will create hybrids (cyborgs). And interestingly, we have cyborgs living among us.

The world could be leading a major revolution in cybernetics soon that will also enhance the field of cybermancy.

[Image credit]

Whatever is happening between machines and humans, we should just try to understand ourselves. We could co-exist you know.

Hail Technology!! 

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