What do you know about Thermotheraphy? / Learn about it

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)


          Welcome Steemians, today I am going to start publishing english content because I want to teach more people on steemit, I would like to thanks @steemstem and @utopian-io for their hard work on the community. today I will teach you everything you must know about thermotheraphy.


          Thermotheraphy is the transfer of energy in the shape of heat to produce a therapeutic effect. The physiological and therapeutic Effects of heat depends on the temperature of tissues in our body wich will produce a local response.

          Heat is one of the most used Physical agents, and heat is one of the ways to transmit energy. When we talk about heat we mean the physiological sensation that we feel when our termoreceptors catch temperatures over 37 degrees.


          In physiotheraphy the unit we used to measure the energy trasnferred in the shape of heat is Joule. The levels of temperatura acepted to be therapeutic are between 40 and 45.5 degrees, over these temperatures tissues start to destroy and knowing this will determine the local physiological answer and the speed and duration of them.


          The universe is form with matter and energy. Matter is tangible and energy is intangible. To make a work even is it is insignificant we need to transmit a source of energy. Matter is form with atoms, molecules, a ions. They have forces of attraction and repulsion between them wich is know with the name of internal potential energy.


Temperature and Heat.

          Temperature is the manifestation of internal energy in a body wich describe cinetic and potential between their particles. When we put two bodies in contact that have different temperatures, they transfer each other energy. Both temperatura will look for balance and the will reach termical balance.


          The termal scale most used is Celsius wich assigns points of fusion to ice with 0 and boiling wáter wth 100 celsius. Is not correct to say that a body have “heat”, bodies have internal energy and just the process of transfer of that energy is when we talk of heat.
          Calories is what we use to measure these energy. The heat transfer from a body to other will depend on 4 factors.
  • The time of heating
  • The temperature differences
  • Body mass
  • The nature of the body


Effects of Thermotherapy

Biological and Biochemical Effects:

  • increase permeability of the cell membrane.
  • Improves the metabolism

Physiological Reactions

  • Improves tissue repair
  • Increase the tissue elasticity
  • Increase bood flow
  • Modify pain threshold
  • Analgesic effect


  • Before tissue mobilization
  • Before electrical stimulation
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cervical síndrome
  • Miofascial pain
  • Everything related with muscle-skeletal diseases.



  • Inflammatory and traumatic process
  • Anticogulant treatment
  • Tumors
  • Pregnancy
  • Alterations of sensitivity


  • Nelson Sj, Ash MM. An evaluation of a moist heating pad for the treatment of TMj/muscle pain dysfunction. Cranio. 1988;6(4):355-9.
  • Land MF, Petrie jE, Labadie KS. An alternative method for the application of superficial heat. ill Dent j. 1992;61(2):125-8


  • All images are property of @erickyoussif
  • Images were edited on Power Point 2017

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Thanks for Reading Have a Nice Day

Erick Youssif

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