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RE: Is it more profitable to suffer than to let go of a problem?

in #steemstem6 years ago

Missed the cynical tone:)

The torturer needs recipients who give enough ground to let them being tortured. One can see the drama queens & kings as a pain in the ... as well as a great chance to develop empathy without becoming sucked into the suffering. Which is a really challenging task to take. My example with Lars was an attempt to show that. It is such a wonderful method to deal with suffering people because others do not pity but take the "disturbed" behavior as it comes around. In this exaggerated example lies a great learning for me. I am always watching out for impressive narratives to get the message transported. The "aha-effect", so to speak.

it wasn't my art that made me feel better, I made changes to make me feel better to create better art :-) Don't know, if this makes sense..

It makes absolutely sense.

I had a client back then who told me that she'll be only able to dance, to have deep connections and enjoy life, once she is healthy again. I told her to ask herself, if it also could be the other way around: That she dances, gets in touch and enjoys the events in her life to become healthy again.

I see that you are anything but broken:)
My assumption was that I think everybody has something of porcelain standing in the cupboard - the pain - and likes to hold on whenever something happens which activates it. Including myself. Otherwise we would be divine, no? For my life experience I never met anyone who is already "awake" or "enlightened". Which I consider as humanly.

Does this make sense to you?


Of course it makes sense :-)

And of course I too have my porcelain in the cupboard... I just refuse to have things that I can't change, pull me down anymore. Most of the time ;-)

When I was young, I always thought I was super stable.. mentally. Then life gave me a few good hits in the face to teach me a lesson and become a bit more modest.

And then again, I was always very lucky too and with all that I found an attitude based on gratitude :-) hahaha... it rhymes! 😁👨‍🎨


modesty is always good when people reach a certain age and have more past than future. It is kinda strange watching a mid sixty one still acting rebellious and stubborn.

I am totally agreeing with your rhyme :-))

Hahaha... "..mid sixty one still acting rebellious.." sounds funny, when I think of my dad at 79! With him its genuine though 🤠

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