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RE: INTUITION - What happens beyond the discursive use of the mind?

in #steemstem6 years ago

Dear Kimberly,
you have wisely spoken. I have not much to add and mostly come from the same standpoint.

Only I would say that you (and I) probably still think of it as a "problem", to which a policing and itself distrusting system overgrows this insight. I would say, it's maybe not the people but more the loudness of distributed messages.

When you look at an ordinary day you find it almost occupied with normality. Maybe a little percentage is drama in its physical appearance. A dog barking and the owner commanding him full of rage to quit. Or a baby crying itself sore and nobody around to sooth it. An impatient customer in the row mocking the cashier. But the rest of us doing their business, providing for food and shelter, doing the dishes, working the desk, buying birthday presents or greeting some strangers eyes. One dies, another one is born. We do what we can and we help where we were asked to help. And sometimes we are the road ragers and the uncaring ones who are observed by others. We say "no" but mean "yes".

We people are in our heads though really busy to identify problems and there, the ratio might be vice versa.

Your way of contributing to intuitive things, to let your associations flow freely and profit from them as your personal guiding system I appreciate a lot. Our human to human differences are a fortune, aren't they?

To doubt the inherent qualities and abilities I observe, too as a phenomena connected to the technological conveniences. Take a navigation system in a car. Before we had this luxury we had to rely on maps and also on our inner compass to navigate. We had to consider the movements in the physical world even more so when we walked by foot and had to orientate ourselves. Now, when there is no necessity to use those qualities people just neglect them and get the habit to always use the device. Did you mean this also?

To become an outsider by a rigid policy it really takes much. As long as you find people who do have things in common with you, I don't see a threat (in the sense of losing my life or going to prison). But even then: it would be good to know that one can stick to his ethical principles, no matter what.

Oh, that is true. You don't have to take an either-or position when the crow starts to cawing:) listening to your highest authority can be such a relief as it neither produces hatred nor ambiguity. I find this moments in my work much easier than within my private relations. I want to develop this quality and train my mind to be of more peace. ... Still a way to go:)

Now, my answer became long, lol :)


You write, I would say, it's maybe not the people but more the loudness of distributed messages. and I completely agree with this sentiment.
Yes, I did mean we lose our capabilities when we depend on someone or something else to do it for us, but would also go further by adding that those systems which would like to profit off of others being blind consumers and workers benefit and encourage our losing touch with our own divine wisdom. And, those doing "right," by these systems will attack their neighbor for challenging their own by-in. It's great to be able to discuss, in complexity, different values and beliefs and realize we're all in this together, informing one another. But sadly, in my opinion, this kind of free and considerate debating is being stomped out in politics, in education and even in one to one relationships.
Yes, most difficult exercising in private relationships and I too, will continue working this quality and daring in action.
Thank you for your thoughtful response.

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