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RE: What is Pemphigus? A Personal Perspective

in #steemstem5 years ago

I am sorry, I missed this post to give a vote :( But I recently am seldom on steemit.

It is astonishing that one can find causes and methods of treatment at all, in the multitude of illnesses and then also establish the connection to medication.

I'm not sure whether it was good fortune that made you overcome this disease, even let you survive. You know that I am convinced that bodily functions are also mentally influenced and that stress is a factor that can influence the course of a disease, as has already been said here in the comments section. The body initially responds with strange disturbances when a person behaves against his needs. In connection with a recent family autoimmune disease, I have read that permanent tension - literally understood here - makes the organs' work more difficult and that an abdomen that is in a permanent state of tension favours diseases. If, for example, you do not integrate regular meal breaks into your working hours, eat on the side, eat your food in a hurry, you disturb the work of the organs and the processes in a way that could be compared to a sloppily written essay. Punctuation, semantics do not follow the rules. If the flow and working processes in the body are blocked, if the substances cannot be qualitatively converted or transported, the body will eventually turn against its host.

Therefore, my question to you would be whether you have changed your eating habits in the context of the diagnosis, not only what you eat, but also how you eat. Slow chewing, preparing food better for the stomach, several small meals instead of big ones, etc.? From my point of view, eating in company or alone also makes a big difference in how fast or slow you eat your food. I mainly eat alone, I have to force my son to sit down at the table and take it consciously. Whenever I live among several people, I feel better overall, because I eat more regularly and feel more happy preparing the food when six people sit at the table instead of two.

All this said, I know that all the other reasons you mentioned are valid, but as always, I wanted to add my point of view.

I like your hats! I myself have a sun allergy since round about four years. I must wear long sleeves, as it's my hands which suffer the most. But I also must protect my face as I easily get sun burned but without the itching consequences my hands endure. My man recently gifted me a sun protector which, for the first time, not only protects my hands but also has a healing effect on the skin. It's from eco cosmetics, 100% natural origin, 98% organic vegetal, 28,6 % organic:

only German, sorry.


So nice to see you, Erika. I think we might be related 😎
What you say about stress is so true. I lead a quiet life, even a privileged life. I think the major stresses in my life occurred long before I had control--and those early stresses do take a toll, later on.

Eating...not too much folly there :). Not anymore, anyway 🙂

Your hands...interesting. Is it just sun, or temperature also? There's something called Reynaud's syndrome in which hands are affected by changes in temperature.

Thanks for that link to the sunscreen. Usually titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are good (no reaction) for me, but generally the recommendation is to avoid sun exposure as much as possible. @alexander.alexis had a thought: maybe I was a bat in my past life 😅

Be peaceful, and well.

It's clearly the UV and allergy against sun light. I only get it in summer when I expose myself too much to the light. My brother gets it, too. Skin sensitivity is something the whole family lives with. Guess, you and me might stem from a bat family. LOL.

Speaking of sun: today is a lovely day and we will visit again the STAMP Festival, as every year. Unfortunately there are less artists and more consumption.


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