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RE: Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors: Visually Explained!

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

superdeterminism? Can you elaborate? Yeah at times I used to fancy that pilot wave theory becomes successful.

so if I understand it correctly, each dimension is essentially an "eigen vector", no?

No. If you are working in a 2D space, there will be 2 eigen vectors corresponding to any operation A you do on a vector X. That means the number of eigen vectors you can obtain in a N-D space in N. (N is the dimension). That doesn't mean each dimension is one eigen vector.


You should check out Basil Hiley's papers on quantum blobs, if you're interested in deterministic theories. He and Bohm and Penrose had a group when they were at the same institution.

Superdeterminism (wikipedia link).

But to simplify the concept with the words of the late Mr. Einstein,"I do not believe God played dice with the Universe."

How you know I like this idea?

I didn't, until just now, but I like it myself, and therefore did I want to hear your thoughts on it... to gain perspective. 😊🌠

In my way of reasoning, it was not my doing in the first place, whom- or whatever decided to raise the subject.
Eye do not consider myself an agent of volition. 🙏

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