Coffee consumption can give you cancer

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Hello folks!
This topic is something I have to talk about since we are all concerned about our health as well as our prosperity in terms of income. I’ll like to say for the purpose of clarity, this post has nothing against manufacturers or consumers of any product. It is strictly informational and that’s it.


What is cancer?

In a simple language, cancer is an abnormal cell growth that can spread to other parts of the body leading to serious conditions and mostly death. A cell is that functional part of the body that determines a lot of activities towards the tissue then organs such as heart, lungs etc. in others words cells are like the smaller units that form the bigger body compartments. So if anything goes wrong at the cellular level i.e cell metabolism, then the whole bigger compartment is in trouble. Cells are the living part of the body that grows and they can die, hence that means something keeps them alive. In this case, the food we eat is one of the major sources where cells are depending on for growth. We will come back to this later.
What’s the big deal about Coffee?

To some people, coffee is a religion! Take that from me. Ask an average American, there is this popular quote

The British may have invented “Tea Time” but America invented the “Coffee Break”.

However, today is not a time for history about coffee so I just skip that historical part of it from this write up. Coffee is a brewed drink taken in place of tea by some people. It is prepared from roasted coffee beans, it tastes sweet and with fruity flavor. In a nutshell, coffee is a kind of beverage.
However, there has been some concern about the presence of a certain chemical present in coffee that has been flagged as being a predisposing to cancer. Acrylamide is the name of the chemical and it is the reason for this post.

What is Acrylamide?
It is a chemical used primarily to make substances called polyacrylamide and acrylamide copolymers that are of industrial significance such as the production of plastics, dyes, and paper. They are also found as part of food substance and adhesives. Acrylamide is naturally found in food substances that have been heated to a high temperature in the presence of some reducing sugars.
It has been on record that acrylamide is carcinogenic to humans i.e. it has the ability to alter the cell metabolic activities which can consequently lead to malfunctioning of the cells and this is what’s causes cancer.

Studies carried out on rodents National Toxicology Programhave established the association between cancer and acrylamide, while the result showed the high risk of acrylamide in the initiation of cancer, it has also been variously argued that human metabolism is quite different from that of rodents hence such studies cannot determine the effect in human. Whether these arguments are true or not, one thing that is clearly known is that acrylamide is carcinogenic and it is present in a certain amount in coffee.
Coffee roasters are aware of this because when coffee beans have roasted the presence of reducing sugars and the moistures facilitate the desirable browning process and thus creates some acrylamide. Business owners are out to make profit so it is impossible to stop them from selling or roasting coffee because it gives that taste and smell more so that coffee on its own is a tradition in places like America, in fact, it is so addictive more than cocaine or heroin

Way forward
It seems we are not getting near to stopping the presence of acrylamide from appearing in coffee since it’s a natural process. Acrylamide appears in coffee the moment it gets roasted. Now it is known that the longer time it takes to get roasted the less the concentration of acrylamide in it, so it is advised that people should take a dark coffee instead of the lighter one. This is a reasonable thing to do and consumers should watch out for the brand with the lowest acrylamide.
Just like I said at the beginning of my post,

we are all concerned about our health as well as our prosperity in terms of income

it is imperative for us to do the right thing.

About the author
Deliniz is a Lecturer at the University of Lagos, Nigeria a Pharmaceutical Microbiologist by profession and also a creative thinker
You can visit my website




Though am no longer a fan of taking coffer after I finished my degree years back but would be resteeming so that it gets to those are still addicted to taking it. Thanks for sharing @deliniz

@fastfingers loves you and want to see you grow here.
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Thanks so much for the encouragement @fastfingers. I am already in the channel it is a one of a kind community. Thanks for the redeeming, we better stay healthy and strong than otherwise

Hmm, very interesting.
From the studies I know coffee is supposed to reduce cancer risk due to the contained anti-oxidants. But I will have to recheck the whole picture - maybe they didn't take into account the acrylamid...
Maybe write a post about it afterwards.

Well done, anyway!

As it is now, coffee is on the hot seat in California because of the obvious presence of acrylamide. Yes it may contain certain level of anti-oxidant but this will be canceled out as long as a carcinogen is present. One should just be careful of not adding to the existing health problems

ty, I will definatly read that up!

The take home message from this post:

Now it is known that the longer time it takes to get roasted the less the concentration of acrylamide in it, so it is advised that people should take a dark coffee instead of the lighter one.

Very nice article sir on such an important topics. Who want to have a cancer? Nobody. So simple awareness might save people from getting this killer in their body.

Keep up the good work. #air-clinic

Thanks for the compliment. You are right, nobody wants the killer in their body, a simple awareness will save us the trouble

Personally, I don't do coffee. Thanks for sharing!

You are welcome. I am also not a coffee person i'm just indifference but I have lots of coffee lovers

HI! There are many carcinogenic components in foods, in particular in coffee also has other antioxidant effects that help the cells. For those of us who love to drink coffee, its recommendation is very good only to avoid those coffees that have been toasted in excess, as well as avoid taking overheated coffee especially the coffee machines, excellent pos!

It is possible certain foods have level of carcinogenic substances however you must also know that they all have varying degrees cellular disruptions. The most important thing is to be careful to reduce as much as possible any harmful substances in our bodies

@deliniz beautiful post about the demerits of coffee. I had a colleague in school that couldnt do without coffee. It finally became an addiction. Personally i dont do coffee because i know it alter one's sleep-wake pattern. I have seen people with sleeping disorders and i wont want to join the pattern.

Well said. The taste and the smell is enough to get you addicted. Glad you don't drink it but it taste great!

Thanks for this wonderful information

Thanks for stopping by.

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