Photorespiration - Biochemistry

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

As described in my previous post (Photorespiration - Prelude), photorespiration begins when oxygen (O2) is used as a substrate by RuBisCO instead of carbon dioxide (CO2):

Simplified Photorespiration and Calvin Cycle. Image Source: Photorespiration - Wikipedia

Instead of generating 2 molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate when CO2 is used as substrate, RuBisCO produces only 1 molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate plus a molecule of 2-phosphoglycolate when O2 is employed as substrate. Because 2-phosphoglycolate is inhibitory to the activity of Calvin cycle enzymes it has to be removed and recycled back to 3-phosphoglycerate in order to avoid depleting Calvin cycle intermediates. This is accomplished by metabolizing 2 molecules of 2-phosphoglycolate (2 x 2-C) to 1 molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate (1 x 3-C) + CO2 (1 x 1-C). 2 x 2 = 3 + 1.

This recycling of 2-phosphoglycolate is very complex, involves 3 different organelles in the plant cell (chloroplast, peroxisome and mitochondrion), involves nitrogenous metabolites (including the amino acids glycine and serine), and releases ammonia (NH3) stoichiometrically with CO2. This ammonia has to be in turn recycled with an energy cost of ATP and reduced ferredoxin. ATP is also required to regenerate 3-phosphoglycerate from glycerate.

Loss of CO2, and use of energy (ATP and reduced ferredoxin) greatly reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis of C3 plants in normal air. This efficiency decreases further when plants are exposed to high temperatures and/or water deficits (drought stress). At high leaf temperatures the solubility of CO2 in water decreases more substantially than that of O2. Therefore photorespiration is accelerated at high leaf temperatures. During drought stress, plant leaves close their stomates preventing water loss, but also preventing CO2 uptake. This tends to result in CO2 depletion in the sub-stomatal intercellular spaces and leads to accelerated photorespiration.

The full cycle of photorespiration is shown below:

Photorespiration in C3-plants. How plants cope with the oxygenase reaction of RuBisCO. Image Source: Photorespiration - Wikipedia

2-Phosphoglycolate generated in the chloroplast by the oxygenase activity of RuBisCO is first dephosphorylated to glycolate. Glycolate is exported from the chloroplast to the peroxisome where it is metabolized to glyxoylate by an enzyme called glycolate oxidase. This reaction consumes further O2 and generates a toxic molecule hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The latter is detoxified by the enzyme catalase, regenerating O2. Two molecules of glyoxylate are then converted to glycine in transamination reactions, with glutamate serving as amino (NH2) donor for one glycine, and serine serving as amino donor for the second glycine. The resulting glycine is transported to the mitochondrion where one molecule of glycine is catabolized to ammonium (NH4+) and CO2. In this reaction, catalyzed by the glycine decarboxylase complex, the remaining portion of glycine (=CH2) is added (together with a hydroxyl group) to a second molecule of glycine to form serine. Serine formed in the mitochondrion is then transported to the peroxisome where it is transaminated, with the amino portion serving as amino donor for the second glycine (as mentioned above), and the remaining carbon skeleton forming hydroxypyruvate. Hydroxypyruvate is then reduced to glycerate, exported from the peroxisome to the chloroplast and there phosphorylated to form 3-phosphoglycerate which can re-enter the Calvin cycle.

The CO2 released in the mitochondrion does not have ready access to RuBisCO for re-assimilation, although it is likely that some can be recaptured in this manner (see dashed line in the image above). The ammonia (or ammonium (NH4+)) concomitantly released with CO2 in the glycine decarboxylase reaction has to be re-assimilated. This is accomplished by transport of ammonium from the mitochondrion to the chloroplast and ammonium assimilation using the glutamine synthetase : glutamate synthase cycle localized in the chloroplast (see my introductory post in this series entitled From a Bicycle Paper Round to Metabolic Cycles). While this glutamine synthetase : glutamate synthase cycle is not fully depicted in the image above, the net result of this assimilation is synthesis of glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and NH4+. This re-assimilation of ammonium consumes both ATP and reduced ferredoxin. Glutamine synthetase consumes ATP, while ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase consumes reduced ferredoxin.

As mentioned above, glutamate becomes the amino donor for the first glycine of the photorespiratory cycle. When glutamate serves as an amino donor in glycine synthesis, 2-oxoglutarate is regenerated. Glutamate and 2-oxoglutarate are rapidly exchanged between peroxisome and chloroplast to sustain this pathway.

This is clearly a very elaborate cycle. Some call it the photorespiratory carbon oxidation cycle, while others refer to it as the photorespiratory nitrogen cycle because of the involvement of nitrogenous solutes (glycine, serine, glutamate, glutamine and NH4+). Numerous membrane-bound transport proteins (translocators) are required to facilitate metabolic shuttling between compartments.

This pathway has been verified genetically by identifying mutants of C3 angiosperms which show a phenotype of normal growth when grown in an atmosphere of elevated CO2, but which become very sick and ultimately die when exposed to normal air. Mutants of both barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Arabidopsis thaliana which show this phenotype have been extensively characterized and have deficiencies of specific enzymes of this cycle, including:

  • chloroplastic glutamine synthetase, ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase, 2-phosphoglycerate phosphatase and glycerate kinase

  • peroxisomal serine:glyoxyate aminotransferase, glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase, catalase, glycolate oxidase and hydroxypyruvate reductase

  • mitochondrial glycine decarboxylase/serine hydroxymethyltransferase, and

  • the various transport proteins (translocators)

Many of these mutants that led to confirmation of this pathway are described in the literature cited below (see References).

The chloroplastic ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase and glutamine synthetase mutants appear to die from over-production of NH4+ when exposed to normal air and forced to carry out photorespiration. They can survive in elevated CO2 (when photorespiration is suppressed) because they have "back-up" glutamate synthase and glutamine synthetase genes whose gene products are adequate to cope with primary nitrogen assimilation in the absence of photorespiration. However, the relatively low levels of these enzymes are inadequate to cope with the massive amounts of NH4+ released during photorespiration.

This apparently wasteful cycle, which significantly lowers the productivity of C3 plants, has become the target for genetic/metabolic engineering with the goal of improving agriculturally important C3 plant performance/yield. These metabolic engineering efforts will be described in a future post: Photorespiration - Metabolic Engineering.

Please feel free to comment or ask questions below.


Abadie, C., Boex-Fontvieille, E.R., Carroll, A.J., Tcherkez, G. In vivo stoichiometry of photorespiratory metabolism. Nat. Plants 2: 15220 (2016)

Armstrong, A. Photorespiration: in the balance. Nat. Plants 2: 15217 (2016)

Bauwe, H., Hagemann, M., Fernie, A.R. Photorespiration: players, partners and origin. Trends Plant Sci. 15: 330-336 (2010)

Bellasio, C. A generalized stoichiometric model of C3, C2, C2+C4, and C4 photosynthetic metabolism. J. Exp. Bot. 68: 269-282 (2017)

Hagemann, M., Bauwe, H. Photorespiration and the potential to improve photosynthesis. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 35: 109-116 (2016)

Kerchev, P., Waszczak, C., Lewandowska, A., Willems, P., Shapiguzov, A., Li, Z., Alseekh, S., Mühlenbock, P., Hoeberichts, F.A., Huang, J., Van Der Kelen, K., Kangasjärvi, J., Fernie, A.R., De Smet, R., Van de Peer, Y., Messens, J., Van Breusegem, F. Lack of GLYCOLATE OXIDASE1, but not GLYCOLATE OXIDASE2, attenuates the photorespiratory phenotype of CATALASE2-deficient Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 171: 1704-1719 (2016)

Reumann, S., Weber, A.P. Plant peroxisomes respire in the light: some gaps of the photorespiratory C2 cycle have become filled--others remain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1763: 1496-1510 (2006)

Walker, B.J., VanLoocke, A., Bernacchi, C.J., Ort, D.R. The costs of photorespiration to food production now and in the future. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 67: 107-129 (2016)


I am very glad you decided to publish under #steemstem! Especially with your botanical background. It is an area that is often overlooked. Cheers!

Thank you. I am trying to do what @lemouth suggested recently: "Finally, as scientists, we can also design lecture material and put it exclusively on Steem. Those lecture notes would be freely available and could be useful for people in particular outside the Steem ecosystem. They could consist of one of the numerous handles to attract people from the outside and grow both our SteemSTEM community and the Steem platform with valuable member."

That is indeed a nice idea. Maybe you can also use the education tag, since this is educational. I will try to go about and promote your blog to people who may have an interest. Cheers!

Very good suggestion. I will start using the education tag in future posts.

Great post! I'll want to read it several times. When I worked at Oak Ridge, we shared lab/office space with the lab of Fred C. Hartman, and I know he did significant work on RuBisCo.

Yes, he was incredibly productive. A lot of his papers on RuBisCO can be found on PubMed

Photorespiration and the Calvin cycle. Why exactly is it called “photorespiration”. I mean I get the respiration part. But nowhere does it state in your article that light is a requirement in this pathway

RuBisCO is activated in the light by ferredoxin produced in the light reactions of photosynthesis (see previous articles in the series on 'Light Reactions of Photosynthesis' and 'Calvin Cycle of C3 Photosynthesis'). So RuBisCO only consumes oxygen in the light. In the dark, RuBisCO is deactivated. In the same way, when the light goes off, RuBisCO no longer fixes carbon dioxide in the dark! I hope this helps answer your question.

Yes David. It does. Very interesting articles you’ve got

"Many of the enzymes of the Calvin cycle are redox regulated, and require reduced ferredoxin (produced by photosystem I in the Light Reactions of Photosynthesis) for their activation. Thus, when the light goes on, reduced ferredoxin builds up and the Calvin cycle enzymes are activated by reduction of their sulfhydryl groups via the ferredoxin:thioredoxin system (see Michelet et al. (2013) for further details)." from Calvin Cycle post:

The activation of RuBisCO in the light by the ferredoxin:thioredoxin system is achieved by first activating a protein called RuBisCO activase, see: Michelet, L., Zaffagnini, M., Morisse, S., Sparla, F., Pérez-Pérez, M.E., Francia, F., Danon, A., Marchand, C.H., Fermani, S., Trost, P., Lemaire, S.D. Redox regulation of the Calvin-Benson cycle: something old, something new. Front. Plant Sci. 4: 470 (2013). I did not get into this sophisticated regulation in the article.

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