The philosophy of the Birth Of The Universe

in #steemstem6 years ago

Source of image of pixabay

It is a trip very infinite across the time, to equal of the knowledge and the position of many scientists, cultures and societies who assumed many criteria on the birth of the universe, of equal form contributed fundamental contribution to the knowledge in our actuality, for many authors of myths they invented many and outlandish fables relative to the creation of the Universe taking in general, like I centre of the Earth, and qualifying lightly the rest as the sky or the firmament. The epoch of the Creation usually not located in very remote times, although we have to remember that, for the man previous to the Enlightenment, a period of 1.000 years was more impressive than one of 1.000 million years for the today man.

Surely the history of the creation with which we are more acquainted is the one that there offer us the first chapters of the Genesis, plethoric of poetical beauty and of magnificent mulberry tree, bearing in mind his origin, in repeated occasions one has tried to determine the date of the creation being based on the information of the Bible, the reigns of the diverse kings; the time passed from the exodus up to the construction of the temple of Salomón; the Age of the patriarchs, both antediluvian and postdiluvian. According to the medieval erudite Jews, the Creation would go back to 3760 to. of J.C., and the Jewish calendar counts still his years from this date, in 1658 of our Age, the archbishop James Ussher, of the Anglican Church, calculated that the date of the creation was necessary to place it in the year 4004 to. of J.C., and precisely at 8 p.m. of October 22 of the above mentioned year, in accordance with some theologians of the Orthodox Greek Church, the creation would go back to the year 5508 to. of J.C, until the XVIIIth century, the erudite world accepted the interpretation started to the Biblical version, according to which, the Age of the Universe was, at most, of only 6 or 7 thousand years.

This point of view received his first and most important blow in 1785, after the book appeared Theory of the Earth, of the Scotch naturalist James Hutton, this one departed from the proposition that the slow natural processes that act on the surface of Earth creation of mountains and his erosion, formation of the course of the rivers, had acted, approximately, with the same rapidity in the whole course of the history of the Earth, this beginning uniformista was implying that the processes must be operated during a period of extraordinarily long time, to cause the observed phenomena. Therefore, the Earth must no have thousands, but many million years of existence. One tried to calculate the age of the Earth being based in the beginning uniformista, for example, if the quantity of deposited sediments is known every year by the action of the waters, there can be calculated the age of a stratum of sedimentary rock from his thickness. The rock strata were remaining falsified because of the processes of the erosion, disintegration, cataclysms and other forces of the Nature.

Another procedure to measure the age of the Planet consisted of valuing the speed of accumulation of the salt for the oceans, method that the english astronomer Edmund Halley suggested in 1715, the rivers spill constantly salt in the sea, since he wants that the evaporation liberates only it waters down, every time the concentration of salt is major. Supposing that the ocean was, in his beginning, of fresh water, the necessary time so that the rivers vertieran in him his content in salt of more than 3 %, would be of billion years approximately.

This enormous period of time was agreeing with the assumption for the biologists, who, during the last half of the XIXth century, tried to continue the course of the slow development of the alive organisms, from the beings unicelulares, up to the most complex top animals.

Nevertheless, about the middle of the XIXth century, considerations of astronomical nature complicated suddenly the things, where the beginning of the conservation of the energy, it was raising an interesting problem as for the Sun, star that had come spilling in the course of the history registered up to the moment, colossal quantities of energy. If the Sun had originated as a solid incandescent conglomerate in an ambience of oxygen, it would have come down to ash at the speed to which it had expressing the energy in the course of approximately 2.500 years.

It lacks object to try to determine how much time he has needed the Earth to cool down, if it does not bear in mind, at the same time, the fact that the radioactive substances contribute heat constantly. On having taken control of this new factor, it had to considered that the Earth might have needed thousands of million years, instead of million, to cool down, from a ruined mass, up to the current temperature, Even it would be possible that it was increasing with the time the temperature of the Earth.

By means of the observation, we know that the universe consists of swarms of galaxies, each of them containing from a few dozens to a few thousands of individual galaxies, every galaxy, in turn, is a swarm that it contains from a few thousands of millions to some trillions of stars, all this swarms seem to move away some of others, judging by the nature of the light that they send to us.

If we were looking backwards in the time (like in a movie that was stepping back instead of advancing), we would see the swarms of galaxies coming closer more and more between them, in some moment of the past, they should have existed as a ball of extremely dense matter, which went out and caused the universe in expansion that now exists.

Textual appointment of the book History and chronology of the world: the history of the world from Big Bang until the XXIst century for Isaac Asimov - 2006; page 4.

We have to open our mind because, like part of the philosophy, all theory, is born of proper ideas of every being, good be erroneous or I matched to the reality, they are a part of the knowledge and source of papers across the history, which served of conceptualizar this very questioned theory, but they caused other sciences of studies, and more when it is not possible to do extensive to the whole universe, any concrete law about the existence or of the structural organization of the matter.

All this makes possible that the knowledge and the philosophical position, they have a big influential scale of a cultural way to the knowledge as contribution, since the universe and his knowledge is the reason of the philosophy, let's remember the following thing, in a moment of the history, that Aristóteles proposed the existence of a spherical and finite Universe that would take the Earth as a center.

All this position although, one does not believe the philosophy helps us to the human knowledge for, in his application to the future, to be able to predict the future events, which approach this reality, in such a way that the knowledge also a very big and proper universe, that's why much scientific continues in more accurate new theory on the topic.


Bibliographical source.

The evolution of our universe Malcolm S. Longair - 1999.

History and chronology of the world: the history of the world from Big Bang until the XXIst century for Isaac Asimov - 2006.

Before Big Bang: A history completes of the universe for Martin Bojowald - 2011.

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